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"This is outrageous, why can't we just assemble at your house? It's more than big enough for everyone," Could these people get any more irritating? For some reason, I'm at the house of the 3rd household with the 5 elders of the clan. Uncle J, Uncle M, Uncle V, Uncle T, and Uncle P. I never bothered to learn their names so this is how I identify them. 

Uncle M has a tall slender figure with a long grey beard and a grey ponytail. He has icy blue eyes that stand out on his face amidst all the hair. Uncle V is his twin brother. The only way you can tell them apart is by the length of their beards. 

Uncle T is a bit on the muscular side, no facial hair and also no hair on his head. And uncle P, much like Uncle T has a muscular build, straight shoulder-length jet black hair, and also no facial hair. They all look quite well for men in their 50's. Then again, in this clan, it is expected. 

"Simply because my house is being renovated and I cannot have it cleaned in time for the meeting," I explain as calmly and professionally as I can. Since I don't want any of them in my house, so I chose to have the meeting at the gathering hall. Not only is it secluded, but it also belongs to the clan and they use it for parties and such.

"Tch, more like an excuse to hide something," Inner peace, inner peace, don't let out the beast.

"That outfit of yours is quite distracting, could you not have found something more appropriate?" What the fuck could be distracting about an off the shoulder top and ripped jeans?! "Since you're asking for it, why don't we give you what you want?" He reaches out to grab my arm. Before he could come within range to grab me, I let out the most terrifying bloodlust I can. Their eyes widen in fear looking directly behind me.

"Touch me and I'll make sure you never touch anything else," my voice growls in an inhumane way. They back down and I get out of there as fast as I could. 

Fucking assholes. Plopping down in my bed, I let all my feelings melt into the bed disappearing into oblivion. Since I've started changing the clan for the better, they've been becoming crueler and crueler to me. Continuously spitting in my face how our ancestors would curse me or that I'm dishonoring the legacy built up for eons. 

I've been dealing with those perverts all week and it just keeps getting worse. I'm trying to keep my professionalism, I'm trying to stay in control but it doesn't seem to be working. They keep pushing boundaries without care or hesitation. 

For once I'm glad Hisoka isn't here, he'd kill them all. But how I wish he was here, just being in his arms makes everything go away. 

-3 weeks later-

Peaceful serenity, this lovely hall perched upon a beautiful mountain decorated with many different types of trees, the 2 story traditional Japanese structure is a large hall with a wooden desk at the front, the back wall, and side walls open to gaze at the full beauty of the mountain. The upper floor is a much smaller room, basically, just a place where you can sit and admire outside. I think 5 people can fit up there comfortably

The waterfall outside flowing down the mountain, the cherry blossoms decorating the outside to give a calming aspect to the place. It would be so peaceful on a lovely fall afternoon just listening to nature. The back and other side walls are boarded and decorated with paintings of waves and cherry blossoms. I could sit on this desk all day just admiring everything around here.

Now, that aside, someone please explain to me why I haven't dropped everything and run away to a deserted island or something. I'm trying SO damn hard not to go dark dragon on these people and so far it isn't working. I'm just one rude comment away from nuking them all. 

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now