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It's Friday. Finally. I felt like this week would never end. I made a deal with Silva, Mondays-Fridays I'll come to the Zoldyck house where he'll help me with clan stuff and I get the weekend to myself and to do whatever else I need to do.


 Feels like I'm back in school mode with them honestly but I don't have a choice at the moment. Our rooms are still being renovated so Eva and I have been having sleepovers in the office. They should be finished with our rooms by tonight hopefully. It's been 2 weeks after all. 

Deciding to kill some time, E and I end up heading into town to buy some stuff for our rooms. I still need to restock my wardrobe as well so I've been trying to do that. I'd be lying if I said I didn't pick up a few things with the intention of making Hisoka feel a little homesick later. I do manage to get everything I need, hopefully, I didn't forget anything. 

Exhausted from our trip, Eva crashes onto the couch falling asleep instantly. As lovely as a nap sounds right now, there's something I wanna do. Portaling to the house, I walk up the staircase and knock on the door. Seems the snow has finally gone away. Seeing that no one has answered, I think it's safe to say she isn't home. About to open a portal back home, the door opens behind me.

"What a lovely surprise, don't be a stranger, come here," She chirps opening her arms for a hug. 

"Nice to see you again, ma," I chuckle hugging her tightly. She brings me inside and sits me in the living room before sitting next to me.

"What brings you all the way to France this time of year? You must be exhausted from jet lag, can I get you anything?" France? He was born in France? I mean it would explain why he randomly speaks french all the time, as well as how he knows to cook so many french dishes perfectly, anyway.

"No, no, it's alright. I can create portals to places I've been before so I didn't fly here," I explain as I grab her hand motioning her to sit. "I came to ask if you'd like to move closer to us, it bothers Hisoka, as well as me that you're all alone out here," He wouldn't admit it verbally though. He calls her every day, and if he doesn't he gets a bit down. He worries about her, and so do I. This neighborhood's almost deserted. 

"Oh, as wonderful as that sounds dear, I can't leave this place, it's where I was born and raised," Her gaze shifts around the room as if recalling all of her memories here. I had a feeling she was a bit stubborn, after all, she did raise Hisoka. Sighing, I shift from the couch to sit on the floor right next to her chair. 

"Can I?" I ask motioning to her hand. She nods and puts her hand in mines. I explain the thread to her and how it works as well as my intention to ensure she stays healthy a little while longer. 

"Oh no dear, please don't. I'd like to live out my life as a regular human, no matter how little or long I have," 

"Why is that?" I ask staring at her utterly confused.

"Everything has its time dear, life, death, celebration, and sorrow. It all will happen as it is supposed to. Who are we to mess with it?" I've never come across anyone who thought like this. Anyone who would have this ability would shield themselves from harm and possibly give themselves immortality if they could. Sighing in defeat I think if another way to use the thread. 

"If anything happens to you, Hisoka or I will know," She watches intently as the thread glows and wraps around her hand. "This way in case you're not able to get to the phone soon enough, one of us can come to your aid," I smile at her softly.

"Why are you doing all this?" She asks a bit unsure of my motives.

"You're important to Hisoka, he doesn't let many people in his life, and the ones he does let in, he holds them close. It's the least I can do because now, you're important to me as well," She moves her hand from mine to caress my cheek. Looking up at her, she has tears in her eyes. She pulls me up and hugs me tightly. 

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now