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"What are we looking for exactly?" For once in my life, I got up before 11 am. The boys went out for a mission from dad so Eva and I decided to come up here and continue looking for any clues on that tattoo. Pulling a sticky note from one of the drawers, I sketch the tattoo out and give it to her. 

"I've seen this tattoo somewhere in our files and I think it's related to the gang that kid was in,"

"The one you put a fate thread on that almost made Silva wanna hug you tightly?" What I love about Eva is that her sarcasm is similar to mines. She's like the sister I always wanted. 

"The same," I shrug. Silva can yell at me all he wants, he knows my intuition is never wrong and my actions mostly result in favorable outcomes. When I say most, I refer to the people that haven't had the luxury of being tortured by me. 

"Can I ask you something?" She asks twiddling with the folder in her hands. 

"Shoot," I shrug leaning back into my chair. 

"Why do you continue to be an assassin if you don't like it? I can see it in your face. You hate having to watch innocents die but enjoy punishing the guilty. Yet taking over the clan was something you never wanted, so why stay?" I nearly fall back off of the chair. I love her like a sister right? So this shouldn't be too hard for me to admit. Then again I haven't even admitted this to Illumi, or Hisoka for that matter. With a heavy sigh, I pull my chair closer to the desk.

"Do you remember, when mom and dad use to go out on missions together, or even train together? They were so... amazingly skilled and in sync, kind of like me and Illumi but way better," I chuckle looking off into the backyard fondly remembering those days. "I'd sit and watch them train and spar for hours, hypnotized by how graceful their movements seemed, how quick their attacks were, they made it look like a deadly dance honestly... when she died, his whole world died with her, now that he's gone too, this clan and this 'job' or 'hobby' or whatever you wanna call it, is all I have left of them, all that I have to remember them. I guess it also has to do with the fact I don't know anything else also. Or maybe I'm continuing this in hopes I can make them proud of me in some way because we all it's only a matter of time before I screw up again. I've failed at becoming a ruthless assassin because I let my emotions cloud my judgment, I've failed in my past life at protecting my family, I even failed to control my own powers and where did that end? In the death of my own mother. Maybe if I'd just come home earlier, I would have been able to save my dad, or at least spend his final moments with him too but no, I was busy partying," Who knew getting something like that off your chest would feel like letting out a deep, held in breath?

"You're being too harsh on yourself, look at everything you've accomplished!! You're feared by almost everyone, you have your brother, your friends, your boyfriend. Who all love you, You've improved a lot in your training as well plus, your parents' death wasn't your fault, if you're going to blame anyone, blame that sorry excuse for a God living in your head!!" I can't help but chuckle at her determined face and furrowed eyebrows. 

"E, you're so cute that if I was gay I'd straight up bang you right here," I grab her cheeks and squish them together. 

"Same thing here boss," She beams. In my peripheral vision, I spot something sticking out of one of the files. Letting go of her, I pick up the closed file under a few open ones "Did you go through this one?"

"No, not yet," This file dates back to the days when I was still giving Illumi diaper wedgies. Carter Wells, why does that name sound so familiar. Further investigating the file, it seems he also has the tattoo that Devin has. His tattoo is in the same place as Devin's, but he has no ties to any mafia. He's not even a criminal on this file. So why are you mixed in here Carter?

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now