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She struggles to get out of the nest of red translucent snakes holding her down. Her eyes begin to glow violently, all the snakes exploding off of her. Yikes, someone's pissed. Her movements become quicker and deadlier each strike. He does manage to get some hits in but not enough to compare to hers. 

"You son of a bitch, messing with my kids and my family, I'll show you what happens when you think to play with me," She yells in an almost raspy growling voice. With one strike of her scythe, she knocks him through the wall and into the forest like a baseball. I'd say that's a home run. 

Following her yet keeping a safe distance away, I watch as she mercilessly toys with the guy slowly tormenting him. I almost feel sorry for him... no I don't. Back and forth they trade attacks, each one with murderous intent. 

"What's she fighting?" Turning my head to the source of the aura beside me, I'm surprised to see Killua. 

"An ancient dragon who caused the fall of their people who's also Illumi's captor, as well as the person who kidnapped her kids she didn't know existed until recently," He stares at me dumbfounded

" got her pregnant?" He says with his little face full of terror.

"No, unfortunately not this time, guess you really are out of the loop," I just chuckle keeping my eyes on her while she continues to fight in the distance leaving an entire trail of destruction in her path. "You're an uncle, just not to my offspring. At least not this soon," 

"Illumi's captor?" He changes this subject

"Seems he got himself kidnapped as well, he's somewhere around here. I would look but I promised her I'd bring her back," He's not going to look for Illumi, he's scarred the kid more than he knows. "You don't have to go look for him if it terrifies you, we'll find him when she's finished," His body visibly relaxes. 

"Tell her I'll come to visit in 6 months with Alluka, Leorio, Gon, and Kurapika," He jumps down and walks away. "Hisoka," I hum in response. "Thanks for being there for her," I just smile at the kid watching his face turn red while his hands get stuffed into his pockets and watch as he disappears with incredible speed. I'm going to enjoy fighting him one day. 

Back to the task at hand. I wonder how much longer she plans on playing with him? Maybe I should get a closer look. Running from tree to tree tracking their battle, seems zookeeper's getting tired out. He's got the scars of a man ready to give up, but the persistence of a soldier unwilling to go out. How irritatingly amusing. 

"Are you done playing with him?" She doesn't even acknowledge me. I'll admit it does make me a bit angry. 

"What are you gonna do princess? You gonna end this or let me destroy the world?" Rather cocky for someone about to die

"W-W-Where's I-I-Illumi," She's fighting that thing for control. That much is painfully obvious. I can feel her pain through the apparition appearing to be her.

"Ah, she speaks. I thought you had gone full feral for a second. He's in the basement of the church surrounded by a 3 headed monster dog. A little unconscious but he'll live," Guess I know where I'm needed. 

"Try not to play with him too much love, I'll go get Illumi," Leaving them be, I race back to the church looking for an entry point to the basement. For such an empty place, it is quite difficult trying to find this basement. Using Gyo for assistance, I manage to find it after a minimum amount of trouble. 

Oh, he wasn't joking. There is a real-life Cerberus guarding Illumi's unconscious body. If (Y/n) was here she'd adore the 3 headed dog that's 5 times her size. More than likely she'd try to make friends with it and succeed. The dog's made of aura but if I remember right, she said that they're stronger than the animal would originally be. That begs the question. How strong is a regular Cerberus? (Y/n) would know this, she's obsessed with various mythological stories and histories. She could tell you anything about the topic in complete detail from memory. 

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now