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"Has taking over the clan messed with your head so badly that you HELP the people who tried to kill you?!" I don't even open the door fully and he's already yelling at me. "I should have stopped you from going in there in the first place," Yeah, I'm not dealing with this at all. Not today. Rolling my eyes at him, I close the door and portal back home ignoring the words he's yelling at me through the walls. Collapsed on my bed, I text Hisoka and tell him that I'm home. No doubt they would have started ringing down my phone if I didn't. Though, I can't stop thinking of that tattoo. I feel like I've seen it before. But where? I wonder if any of our autopsy records from past hostages have it? But first, a shower. 

Seems I need a wardrobe check. I found this comfy knee-length t-shirt dress in one of my drawers. Good thing I'm having the house remodeled from next month, maybe I'll find all those missing clothes I been looking for. Wouldn't that be the best gift of the year considering how my year is going. Anyway, back to what I was doing before. Grabbing a few iced coffees from my mini-fridge,  I head up to the office. Although it seems bare and odd, the floors are actually how we hide our documents. A friend of ours who's great with tech came in and remodeled everything so that with the press of a button you can find what you're looking for in a matter of seconds. All 4 walls are a thick one-way glass that can go down and turn into giant ass windows. 

At the center of the room, there's a 12-foot executive desk in the shape of a C, the lower part has two other chairs in front of it, the middle section that joins it all together as well as the upper part behind are slimmer compared to the broad lower section. The tops of the lower and upper sections are wood while the middle section is more marble-like. The white high back executive chair behind the desk matches with the white marble of the middle section. The area under the middle and upper sections are where I store my stuff. The mini fridge included. 

Okay, back to work. Comfortable in my chair, I pull the tablet from one of the drawers on my right that controls the floor storage unit. Autopsy reports should go in hand with our hostage files. I should probably look at all the people who were in mafias first. This is gonna be a long night. With each section of files I pull up, a section of the floor opens, a  file cabinet ascends from the space. With all the files I pulled out, my desk's completely covered in them. 

Oh, would you look at that? All my evening plans just suicide jumped out of the window. Why do I do these things to myself?! Why me?  Well, I better get started. I think I'll go through mafia members first. It should narrow down my search just a bit... But first, I'm going to need something a lot stronger than coffee. Now. where's the vodka?

"There you are, I've been calling," Looking up from the probably 80th folder of this category, Hisoka comes in through the elevator in sweatpants and no shirt. Sigh. I love the view I get. 

"Sorry, my phone must have died or something," I mumble through my yawn. I don't even know where that thing is. How long have I been up here? Hisoka comes behind the desk and pulls my chair back. He lifts me off of the seat and sits down placing me on his lap before pulling the chair back in. He just- Like it was- AM I A PIECE OF PAPER TO HIM?! "Did you guys get back long?" I ask rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. One of his arms snake around my  waist while the other sits on my thigh

"No, we just got back. Although, If my suspicions are correct and you've been up here since you came back, you've been up here for almost 3 hours doll," Hours?!  "Found anything?" 

"I haven't even gotten through one category of this damn pile, and so far I've got nothing!" I lean back into his chest throwing the papers back onto the desk. 

"Any way I can make you feel better?" He coos kissing the side of my head

"I can think of a few positions,"  I THOUGHT I SAID IT IN MY HEAD!! Oh fuck. He heard me. Ohh fuck. I'm fucked. Well, about to be...

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now