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Your POV

"I hate clothes," more precisely I hate how my body looks in clothes sometimes. I'm not in the mood to dress up for anything so this will have to do. Not like I have any clue of what to do now anyway. After that entire....draining conversation with Kai. I keep getting this feeling something's going to go wrong. And it's deeply disturbing me. "Do you want to go get breakfast? We could ditch everyone and sneak out?" I suggest wrapping my arms around his neck. 

Truth be told, I want to ditch everything and just run away to somewhere far with him. Just us alone in a place where no one knows us in any form...start new lives. But unfortunately, it's not how the world works. And it pisses me off. 

"As tempting as it is, Illumi wants us downstairs for a talk," He bends down and kisses me on the tip of the nose. My smile fades to a pout. I let go of him so he can put on his clothes. He throws on his green blue and red outfit, slicking his hair back with his gel. Words cannot even begin to define how fine this man is. It should be illegal. Downright a crime.

 I could just stare at him for hours without getting bored. I won't lie, it does kind of bother me knowing how many girls.. and men stare at him and probably throw themselves at him. Yet I find comfort in the fact that he disregards all of them and comes home to me every time. I'd be lying if I said that didn't boost my ego a bit. "You're staring," He brings me out of my daze, a proud smirk on his lips.

"I'm admiring the view," He chuckles and pulls me into him with his bungee gum. 

"If we don't go downstairs, they'll come looking for us," He counters.

"Weird. Sounds like you care. That little fact never stopped you before. My how the tables have turned," I smirk up at him, taunting him as discreetly as I can. His hands snake around me and grab my ass aggressively, a small moan escaping me. 

"If we had time, I'd spin you around and make you watch everything I do to you through that mirror behind you, however, your brother summoned us, so if you continue to act like a brat baby, I'll be doing exactly that, and more," He seductively growls into my ear. His threats aren't empty, but they are tempting. Someone needs to remind this man that I am a professionally certified brat. 

Before heading downstairs, I make a few portal stops for my mission. I'm finishing this today. 

"What are you wearing?" Illumi asks in his usual emotionless tone as soon as we walk into the kitchen. Eva's at the island eating some toast or something. 

"Your concern for my well-being is astronomically unmatched brother," I sigh opening the fridge to grab an iced coffee. There is none. "Where are all my iced coffees?" 

"No coffee, Aunt Lynn's orders." He- he just-

"Are you people trying to get me mad?" I snicker. 

"No. Coffee. Your nightmares are going to worsen if you continue with the amount of caffeine you intake, you could even trigger a panic attack. I'm not going to watch you sink back to that pit," You son of a bitch. You just screwed me over. 

"Nightmares? Panic attacks? You never told me about these things," Hisoka adds tilting his head to the side. He's more sad than angry and now I'm in a tight spot. How do I even answer this?! I'm visibly sweating trying to think of a lie out of this. 

"It's nothing to worry about, really," I laugh awkwardly scratching behind my head. 

"She's lying-" He's just digging my grave deeper and deeper. 

"Enough Illumi," I bark startling everyone in the room. Oh fuck. "Sorry," I mutter under my breath. 

"Well, I should be off," Hisoka turns around and walks away. Portaling to the hallway in front of the door, I cut him off. 

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now