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The little girl, not even older than Killua dressed in a long flowy pink dress runs to Athena and hugs her tightly. Athena drops to her knees to embrace the little girl with tears already forming in her eyes.

"I thought I lost you forever," Athena sobs into the little girl's neck.

"Seems fate had other plans, I was reincarnated to be mom's guide," Please don't be what I think it is, please don't.

"M-M-Mizuki?" I try to form words but fail.

"My name's actually Reya, I'm your other daughter," She explains twiddling with her fingers.

"Oh," Why is everything getting lighter? Why is everything moving so fast?

"I got you love," Hisoka catches me before I could fall holding me bridal style snug against him. He adverts his gaze from me to the girls across the other side of the pool. "Now girls, you should know better than to spring these things on your mother like that," It sounds like he's scolding them. He's way calmer about this than I am. It's scary.

"Please tell me I cut it at 2 of you?" I beg. I don't think I could handle the news of another kid.

"Well," Athena chimes in. "You had twins, Reya and Roman," Oh good God. Kai is getting his ass kicked for not telling me any of this. My eyes shift from the girls to Illumi and Eva in the distance behind them. Both of them look as if they've seen a ghost walking naked in front of them.

"I'm scared to ask, but where is Roman?" At this point what else could make this worse?

"Cursed and trapped in the book of history by the traitor that ended dragon kind who was also dad's best friend," I spoke to motherfucking soon.

"You had quite an exciting life didn't you love," His words don't seem right. There's a bit of underlying shade to it, and I don't blame him. How did I move on and have a happy life with a family of my own when this dumbass is all I want? How did I lose him and move on? Was I stupid?

"Hisoka" My voice comes out barely as a whisper.

"The curse on Roman should break sometime soon, so we'll see him again," Athena grabs onto the diamond of the necklace I gave her almost as if she's holding onto that fact.

"Uncle Illumi!" Miz- I mean Reya? runs to Illumi hugging his legs. He doesn't even know what to do even though she spent most of her time with him since she hatched. What a great year so far huh, and we're only in March. How lovely... Yea, just kill me now. Clouds started forming above us, droplets of rain coming down. We all head back inside to the living room. After assuring him I'm fine, Hisoka finally puts me down.

"Uh, I guess you two can stay on the second floor, Canary and Amane are around if you need anything," Honestly, I have no clue how I am supposed to deal with this situation, but maybe grandpa might. Sucking my pride up, I teleport to the living room of the Zoldyck mansion, I ask Gotoh who's tidying up if he's seen grandpa. To my luck, he's in his room. I text him and tell him I'm coming up in to prevent accidentally walk in on anything I don't want to. I've learned my lesson.

"Is everything alright?" Standing at his balcony with his arms behind his back as per usual, the one guy I've been avoiding for 2 months. Don't get me wrong, I love grandpa, I just didn't want to be in this house since that day. I haven't even been in his room to get his things yet. I guess I'm still in denial but who wouldn't be?

"We have a little issue," Raising his eyebrow suspiciously, we walk over to his office and I explain everything.

Explaining everything took an hour in itself. Grandpa had no idea what to even suggest to help. Which could only mean one thing, I'm fucked. These forces are beyond our power and knowledge, we're basically going in blind. One thing's for sure though, I need to talk to Kai. The way my mental state's been lately, it might take me a little longer to do that.

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now