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Do I need a new mattress or something? I feel like's I'm laying on rocks. Opening my eyes, I realize I'm not on the mattress. I'm on Hisoka's chest, his arm slung around my waist holding onto the waistband of my panties. Snuggling up into his neck, I gently play with the stands of hair lingering at the front of his face. 

My hands start moving on their own tracing the outline of his face being careful not to wake him. What am I gonna do with you clown? Kai drives a rift between us that I wanna get rid of, but I can't. I can't just turn my back on the kids. I really hope Roman was wrong about him coming back. I'm just fine here with this big goof. I don't need anyone coming between us. 

My eyes fall onto the ring on my finger. Just like his, it's a stainless ring with the card suits in their respective colors around the center of it. Not the conditions I was hoping to give him it in, but it seemed appropriate given the situation. It bothers me, it bothers me tremendously that he thinks I'll ever leave him. He doesn't know that if I did, my father would come down from heaven to beat my ass for it. 

"Good morning," His raspy low morning voice brings me out of my daze.

"hi," I smile looking up at him, my thumb grazing over his cheek. He takes my hand and kisses the inner palm of it never breaking eye contact with me. "Are you hungover or are you fine?" I giggle playing with a strand of his hair. 

"I could go for a nice warm bath," His eyes flutter back closed but his smile remains. Climbing off of him, I run the water in the bathtub as well as grab some aspirin for him in case he needs it. Grabbing a water from the mini-fridge, I climb onto his torso with both items in my hands. He has one of his hands slung over his eyes, the other on his chest. 

"Here," he moves his hand briefly to look at the items in my hand then sits up, sending my body onto his lap, taking the aspirin and water chugging down the entire bottle. He picks me up and takes me to the bathroom, pulling on his shirt that's currently on me as well as my panties. Somehow he manages to pull them off and his own clothes, both of us climbing into the tub, my body on his lap facing him. He raises his hand to cup my face, his eyes falling to the ring. Bringing my hand to meet his, his gaze shifts to my ring. 

"I don't seem to remember last night's events, could you explain?" I can't help but chuckle at it.

"They're promise rings, they were supposed to be your birthday gift, but let's just say the situation called for it," He cocks his brow staring at me, urging me to continue. "You wanted to get married," His eyes widen at the statement. I guess he doesn't remember. "We had a little disagreement about it and you walked away. I left to get the rings and when I came back, you were on your way to get me with a towel in tow since the rain had started to pour. Granted I did get soaked, you still helped dry me off. You gave me your t-shirt and took my wet clothes to put them in the hamper," 

"So, what do the rings mean exactly?" I take his hand in mine and pull the ring off

"If you look closely. My name's engraved on the inside of your ring, as is your name in mine, they're our promise to each other," Slipping the ring back on his finger, his arms find my waist, pulling me more into him. My hands wrap around his neck, my fingers running through the back of his head gently. 

"to be there for you through everything, ups downs, and in-betweens, to be your light in the dark, and to fight by your side always, a promise that I'll never betray you and that no matter if we fight or argue, I'll never leave your side," He finishes my sentence for me. At least he remembers the important part. His thumbs glide up and the silhouette of my figure. "I'm so-" I cut him off. 

"Shut up clown, I told you already," I lay my head in the crook of his neck connecting his freckles like stars creating my own constellations. "All was already forgiven," Between us, the only audible sound is the water moving under us. 

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now