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For all my Chibi Chan lovers. I added a lil sum for y'all.

"Are you sure Illumi's out cold?" I ask softly as we finish change into our clothes. We waited till everyone was asleep to move. We had stored a change of clothes in the garage before "heading to bed" so that we wouldn't accidentally wake the boys. Slipping on a spaghetti strap black top with some denim jeans and thigh-high boots, I toss my bomber jacket over it to complete the look. Eva opted for light wash denim jeans, a white crop t-shirt, and her bomber jacket with some white wedge heels. 

"Positive, what about Hisoka?" She giggles as she climbs into the camero closing the door softly.

"Oh, he's not waking up for a few hours, don't worry," I smirk opening a portal around us. We end up at the race event, the same place as last time. There's just as many people as there was the first night we came, even more, if I'm not mistaken. As we drive through them, they all stare and mutter things to each other.... this can't be good. 

"What did you do?" She glares at me with a smirk on her face. I ignore her and continue to drive down the crowded path to Matheo who seems to be accompanied by someone. Must be the boyfriend. He managed to save a spot for us upfront so that we could just sit on top of the car and watch the races. "C'mon, tell me," She coos as we get out of the car.

"Tell you what?" Matheo chuckles coming over to hug us, his friend standing right behind him with his hands awkwardly in the pockets of his bomber jacket. 

"It's nothing," I try to change the subject. He moves to E to hug her as well. 

"No no, now I wanna know, what did you ask her?" He throws his arm around Eva cocking a brow at her.

"I asked her what she did to get Hisoka to knock out for a few hours," He looks at me and then back at her a few times, a wide smile spreading across his face. 

"You freaky bitch. You emptied the milk carton didn't ya," Oh great he caught on. Rolling my eyes I look at anything else but him trying to conceal the red creeping to my cheeks. "Not gonna say anything huh? That jaw of yours must be on the verge of locking up," He smirks at me. He isn't wrong though, I feel like my jaw is gonna be unhinged. His friend starts to snicker behind me. 

"I'm confused, what are you talking about?" She asks knitting her brows together looking back and forth at us. 

"(Y/n) here, put him to sleep by putting her mouth to use, and I don't mean lullabies," He chuckles looking at me with the eyes. You know, the eyes that mean. I see you. Sigh. 

"I still don't get it," He sighs and whispers something into her ear. Her eyes widen as she stares at me surprised. 

"ANYWAY, are you gonna introduce us to your friend or are you gonna leave him to stand alone behind us?" I ask desperately trying to change the subject.

"One question though, how many and how long?" Oh boy. 

"5 and probably a little more than 9, maybe 9/10," I sigh. That bitch has stamina that could last days, as fun as it would be to test it, we're always around people so that isn't possible. Matheo leaves Eva and comes up to me grabbing my jaw. 

"How is this thing still attached to your body?" Smacking his hands away from me, he moves over to his friend. 

"This is Damien, my boyfriend," He chirps wrapping his arm around Damien's waist.

"So who's the top?" I smirk looking directly at Matheo. His face goes red as he sheepishly points to Damien. He did good. He's like one of those tops you read about in a yaoi or something. He's got the melanin that gives him a graham cracker glow, he has the ocean blue eyes and pretty black hair that's held back in a man bun. It's a change honestly, I'm so used to seeing Matheo as the top. 

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now