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"Have you been listening to a single word I've said within the last half hour?" Dad slams a hefty book on the table snapping me out of my daydream. 

"Sorta, I guess, I zoned out after you started mentioning the elders," He sighs and rubs his temples. 

"Do you have any idea what they've been doing?" He huffs sitting back in his chair.

"Not the slightest clue," I chirp confidently.

"They're trying to de-throne you and replace you with someone else. More than likely the head of the second household," Great, my own clan conspiring against me. Sigh, what I would do to go back to last night. "(Y/n)!!" 

"I'M LISTENING," No I'm not. Fuck. This is gonna be one long-ass month. "Can't I just execute the guy?" I sigh leaning back into my chair.

"Not without a proper trial and reason,"

"But I'm the head of the clan, my orders are supposed to be absolute aren't they?" I argue back.

"Yes, but there are rules you need to abide by as well," What's the point in having power if you can't use it. 

"Then tell me, what's the point of the title given to me if I have to follow rules?" I ask propping my cheek against my balled fist. This seems familiar, what's the point in having all this power but can't use it either. 

"To stand as an example for the rest," 

"Sounds like plain bullshit to me," I huff

"Boss, we have a problem" Eva busts through the doors of dad's study a look of panic on her face. Taking her hand in mine, I portal all three of us to some kind of hospital. But it's not a modern one, the building is very traditional to Japanese culture with the wooden walls and everything. There's at least 30 people here lying on sleeping bags, none of them possibly able to move. 

"What's going on here?" I ask pulling on the shirt of one of the passing nurses. The second he turns around, his eyes widen as he quickly bows to me.

"My lady, seems a little over half our clan has come down with a strange illness. We're doing the best we can but they're not pulling through, we already lost 5 of our best as well as 10 of our elderly who take care of the children, we don't know what's causing it or if it's even reversible, but it isn't looking good. At this rate, we'll all go out," 

"Why was I not informed about this earlier?!" I ask a bit more harshly than I intended. 

"Forgive me, but Lord Jiwoon had assured us you received the message 3 days ago," That sneaky conniving little-

"Is there a fountain or spring nearby where you can bring all of them to?" He stares at me as if I've grown a second head but then nods.  Carefully instructing him to take all of them to it, I ask him directions to the place. I'm not even sure I can do this but I have no choice but to try. The nurse takes us to a little spring at the center of the building where a small waterfall fills it, the cherry blossom trees letting their leaves cascade through the wind into the stream. It would be quite beautiful to admire if the situation was different.  

It hurts my heart to see my people sick and dying while I'm oblivious to what's happening. 15 deaths and no one thought it unusual that I wasn't here the instant I would have found out? Whatever that sly pig is up to I will stop him. 

 With all of them gathered around, I walk into the stream letting the water run past my legs. It's a little over hip-deep, my denim shorts getting soaked in the cold water. Concentrating on the sound of the running water, I picture as vividly as I can, a big blob of water just engulfing them all pulling out the sickness from within them making it disappear. 

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now