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"I've missed having you next to me to cuddle with," He mumbles into my hair. He has my head on his chest with my leg over his stomach. One of his hands playing with my hair and stroking my cheek while the other roams my body, his fingertips gliding over my skin delicately.

"It's only been 3 weeks," I giggle as his hand runs up and down my sides tickling me. 

"Too long if you ask me," He's insufferably cute, and I love it. He takes my hand that was on his chest and brings it up to his lips kissing my knuckles. He interlaces our fingers together leaving our hands intertwined on his side of his head.  

"Alright, I need to go," I huff kissing under his jaw trying to get away. My attempt is proven futile since he pulls me back in. "I'm not even supposed to be here, the only reason I'm here is because you tricked me into thinking Lulu was hurt," I giggle as he locks me in keeping his arms tight around me. 

"I don't have any idea what you're talking about," He doesn't even attempt to be innocent about it. 

"Where is he anyway?"I huff giving into the bitch snuggling my head into his neck. 

"Oh? I'm not sure, he did say he'd be out late but never said why," Strange.

"Are you going to let me go home?" I ask looking up at him.

"No," He looks at me and gives me his usual closed eye grin. 

"Hisoka," I warn playfully. He sighs and lets me go. Planting a kiss on his lips, I grab my robe and other garments that managed to survive from the floor. 

"Ma called today and told me what you did," He just had to blurt that out while I'm bent over butt naked trying to get my stuff from the floor. 

"Yeah, I thought maybe if she was closer you'd rest a bit easier knowing you could see her anytime you wanted, but I guess it still worked out in the long run," I sigh making sure I have everything. Ripped underwear, ripped thigh highs, ripped lacy strapped bralette. Sigh. He comes up behind me wrapping his arms around me. At least he put his pants on. 

"You're too sweet sometimes, it's cute," he chuckles kissing my cheek going down to my jaw. 

"I'm not cute. I'm a bitch," A bitch with many issues, but still a bitch.

"Still, thank you," He mutters into my neck. Turning around, I wrap my arm around his neck and pull him in for a kiss. "I'll see you soon," One more kiss later,  I portal back into my closet disposing of my ripped to shreds garments before heading in for a shower. 

My eyes glance over to the beautiful led light of the new digital clock on my nightstand. It's actually a piece of clear acrylic that sits on a small thin stand, it's bright light conveniently adjustable. It's already after 2 in the morning. Guess I stayed there longer than I should. That being said though. Where could Illumi be at this hour? I hope he isn't- no, he wouldn't, would he? I mean he's slept with his targets before but would he still do it now that he has Eva? 

Would Hisoka do that?

Stop it (Y/n) you're just spewing nonsense. They know better... right? FUCKKKKKKK. I did not need this on my mind before going to sleep tonight. Face planting onto the soft comfy bed, my eyes close almost instantly. 

Opening my eyes, I'm in some kind of dark void, the only thing around is me. Walking forward, my footsteps echo through the empty void. The aura here is flat out creepy and dark. It sends shivers down my spine and not in a good way at all. 

"Pins and needles, both can draw blood, separating it from the body" A voice echoes around me. Looking ahead, there's a tall slender figure with long flowy hair in the distance just standing there.

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now