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Sorry this chapter took so long to come out... you'll see why 🙂

"Love, what are you doing?" Hisoka mumbles from the hallway lazily swaying to me. Everyone else left for the day so we were left home alone. We ended up watching a movie in the entertainment room which is now also a home theatre. He fell asleep at the end and I came out to make something to drink. 

"Making iced tea," I chirp mixing the crystals into the water. 

"With what exactly?" He hums coming behind me to wrap his arms around my waist.

"Water and the iced tea mix," I answer. He brings his head down to the shell of my ear.

"Mhm, so what's that bottle of vodka doing next to the iced tea mix?" He whispers into my ear. 

"I don't know," I tilt my head to the side to look at him, his eyes meeting mine. 

"It's only 3 in the afternoon and you're already drinking?" He chuckles, his hot breath sending goosebumps along my neck. 

"Am not, here, you can taste it yourself," I pout bringing my glass to his lips. He takes a sip of it licking the rest off his lips. 

"Sweet," He takes the cup out of my hand and throws it in the sink behind him. 

"Hey I was-" He spins me around and lifts me onto the island before I could finish my sentence. 

"Now I'm craving something sweet, and I know exactly what I want" Gulp. He pushes my legs apart roughly 

"C'mon,  not on the island, people eat here," I whine. 

"Well isn't that what I'm going to do?" Oh brother. Holding onto the back of his hair, I portal us to our room on the sofa. Still under me, he pulls my shirt over my head and throws it on the floor next to us as well as pulling my shorts off, then starts kissing on my neck leaving a trail of light hickeys as he goes down my torso to my boobs playing with one of my nipples between his fingers, the other with his tongue. 

He releases them from his touch and makes his way down my torso leaving wet sloppy kisses along the way. He throws my legs over his shoulders and starts kissing my inner thighs running his fingers along the edges of my aching core. 

"Stop teasing me," I whine pushing my hips lower to him. He just chuckles. 

"You have to say please," He breathes out in a low almost growling tone. 

"Please," I whine aching for him to do something.

"Please who?" He continues. 

"Please, daddy," I breathe heavily. 

"Good girl," He dips his head down and starts working his tongue on my clit, flicking, sucking, and biting it in a rhythmic pattern, my back arching off the sofa. He puts two fingers into me, curling them at the ends slowly thrusting them in and out of me, tormenting me ever so slowly. "Do you want me to go faster?" I see what he's doing, but I'm too focused on trying to keep my mind in check to care.

"Yes," I breathe out. His free hand snakes under my thigh to squeeze my ass. 

"C'mon now baby, you should know by now that you have to say it right or else," He stops completely. 

"Please, daddy, faster," I moan out. His fingers gradually pick up the pace, so does his tongue slowly bringing me to my climax. "Fuckk, I'm gonna-" Before I could finish, he pulls his fingers out of me and stops completely. He bungee gums my hands together sticking the other end to the ceiling before walking over to the mini-fridge leaving me a panting mess. 

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now