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"Love, wake up" I can hear his voice, and feel him shaking me gently. But my eyes are just so heavy. "We're here," Yeah, I don't care. Cuddling his arm is so comfy and I don't want to move. "I got you your favorite food,"  

"Dumplingss" I spring up like a happy child. Hisoka just laughs at me while I look for the dumplings in the jeep. "No dumplings?" I whine with a pouty face. He just lied to me to wake me up. I should be mad but I'm too tired to be angry. I'll figure out why he has a lollipop in his mouth later, I'm just wondering WHY THE FUCK DOES HE LOOK SO GOOD WITH IT IN HIS MOUTH??!! 

"They're in the trunk," My smile returns to my tired face. It hurts. Showing emotions as soon as I get up physically hurts. "C'mon, you'll want to see this," He gets out and comes to my side to open the door. Just like he did before. I get the feeling he's planning something. He's been nicer than usual, introduced me to someone and somewhere he keeps apart from his outside life all in the same day. Why do I get the feeling something's off about this. I only have to figure out if it's good or bad. 

Everything's still covered in snow, but it is easy to make out a few of the tents and stalls. Honestly looks like an abandoned circus. Wait a second. 

"It's the circus Lulu and I came to when we were kids. How did you-" For one of the deadliest and strategic people to live, I take the world title for being a dumbass. "You were the guy that stayed with me that day weren't you," He just smiles twirling the lollipop stick in between his fingers. "Why didn't you say something earlier you sneaky little prick?" I chuckle playfully hitting him across the bicep. He pulls the lollipop out of his mouth and puts it into mines while it's still opened. 

"Come now baby, you know there's nothing little about me" You know, I can't fight that logic, BUT. 

"Your brain 95% of the time says differently," This time I'm the one smirking twirling the bubblegum flavored lollipop in my fingers.  

"Careful now, you're on the edge of getting a punishment," Ohhhhhh. Challenger accepted. He lowers his face down to mines expecting me to be intimidated. Granted it is turning me on, HOWEVER. It takes more than a little threatening to scare me. 

"Bite. Me," He pulls the lollipop out of my mouth and puts it back in his keeping an intense gaze on me while I just look at him with the most innocent look I could muster. It's hard to keep a straight face with the snow lightly falling from the sky finding home in Hisoka's hair which is just a funny sight to me. His hair already looks like a Christmas tree and now the snow looks like tiny ornaments on it.

"Well well, what do we have here," A raspy female's voice from behind me gets our attention. Hisoka gently pushes me behind him, hiding me with his body. His hand finds mine, interlacing our fingers together. His body feels tense against my touch. Who is this chick? 

Peeking my head around his side, it's a lady in a fortune teller's outfit. She has straight elbow-length brunette hair, bright honey eyes, and a tall slim figure. She looks like she's around her 50's

"Well, Abaki, seems you outlived the circus," Abaki? Such a strange name. 

"Come now Hisoka, is that any way to treat your old friend and mentor?"  She was the one who taught him nen? The one he told me about? "And who do we have here? Cute prey? A new toy maybe?" Oh, I wanna kick her ass now. 

"None of your concern really. Why are you here?" I get a bad feeling about her so I'm actually happy he didn't mention anything about me. 

"I came to revisit the memory lane that is this wretched circus," She scoffs turning to the tents.

"So why come back?" He's getting irritated and impatient. Gliding my thumb over his hand, he starts to calm down. Abaki smiles but it quickly disappears. Sensing her, I turn around with a card to her throat, a single drop of blood dripping down her neck. Hisoka also had the same idea, he's now standing next to me holding a card to her throat as well, our hands till interlaced with each other. Even with two cards to her throat, she grins. 

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now