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"It's been a while, Viper," King of the ruthless racing gang known as Cobra Kings. Cocky bastard cheated a few times to win his races. Believe it or not, we were once friends. He wasn't always the same prick he is now, but let's just say a woman can change a man in many different ways. 

I'll admit, the guy has the looks, tall, slicked-back dark brown hair, a few strands hanging over the sides of his face, muscular build, tattoos on both arms, a silver cross pendant on his neck, any girl with a thing for the bad boy would fall for him. 

"So the great drift queen finally settled down huh? Which unlucky chump has the unfortunate sentence?" He smirks stuffing his hands into the pockets of his deep green bomber jacket, the color of his gang. 

"If I remember correctly you wanted to be that same unlucky chump once upon a time," I smirk stuffing my hands into my pockets. The smirk on his face fades, the only sound heard between us is the music blasting not too far away, the sound of other cars revving their engines as well as people talking and mingling around. 

"Yeah well, that was before I realized you're just a heartless bitch," He spits. The words do sting, but only a smidge. 

"You can't hold me accountable for something I had no control over. You knew my work came before anything else, it was your choice to lash out at me for it," I calmly hold my ground.

"Does your boy toy know that?" He spits.

"Actually, he works with us," I can't help but smile proudly just talking about him. God, I'm hopeless. He rolls his eyes and walks away to his little crew all wearing the same bomber jacket.  Bomber jackets are how you identify a racing gang. 

Deep green represents the Cobra Kings. Notorious for their quick drifts and capability to turn the tables in their favor

Midnight blue represents The Rippers, Matheo's gang. Mostly drag racers, but Matheo as well as two of his other guys run the higher stake races. The Rippers are known as your worst enemy. As their name suggests, they will rip your car to shreds. 

Red represents the Red Dragons. A smaller and also newer gang slowly making their way up the ranks. 

 Grey represents The Wolves. They'll have you running or more precisely driving for your life hoping they don't catch you and send your car into the dirt. 

Yellow represents the Lightning Curse. They can pass you in the blink of an eye, all of their members are packing at least 2 tubes of NOS in their cars. 

 And Black is mine. I don't have a gang but I don't need one. I do fine on my own. I've grown quite the reputation around these parts and most of the racers respect me. 

"What's that guy's problem?" Eva chirps beside me clinging to her sides.

"You cold?" I ask cocking a brow at her. She just nods. Taking off my jacket I give it to her. I like the cold anyway. Besides if she got sick Illumi would kill me. He'd kill me knowing I her brought her here to begin with. "He and I were friends once, he confessed he liked me, and because I declined and said that I couldn't because of my work, he turned into the person you just saw," Unfortunately, I am the woman that caused him to change. I'm not proud of it but at the same time, it was kinda way too drastic of a change for a simple rejection. 

"Don't worry about Viper, he's just used to getting what he wants, and he's upset he couldn't get (Y/n). To be fair a lot of guys were looking to claim her, but she didn't give any one of them the light of day," Matheo chuckles. "A girl who's got the looks, a total badass, can hold her title as The Drift Queen for years and also knows her way around her cars?" He whistles out. "A total prize if you ask me. I don't think there's a guy here that hasn't been crushing on you," 

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now