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"So, do you happen to have a plan yet?" Illumi breaks the momentary silence lingering around us. The kids all went to their rooms leaving us 4 in the living room to watch cartoons. And no, we weren't watching cartoons because of the kids. 

"A plan B yes, plan A not so much," I shrug playing with Hisoka's hair. His body's between my legs with his head on my stomach. Now that I think of it, he likes to lie like this often, even if we're just in bed reading or just lazing around.  Sometimes I wonder why we even own sofas when we're always sitting on the floor.

"And what is plan B?" The clown hums from under me.

"There's a song that goes 'I don't want to set the world on fire', plan B is the exact opposite of that. 'I'm gonna set the world on fire'," I sing the words of the song. I don't know where I heard it from but it stuck. Truth be told, it's actually where I got the idea.

"This isn't one of your action books where you can commit world mass arson and walk away as if nothing happened, you're gonna get arrested," Of course Illumi has to spoil my fun.

"Oh please, you say that like we can't afford bail," He just rolls his eyes. 

"And what if there's no bail?" He continues.

"I'll just burn down the prison," I counter. 

"Should I be wary of your new obsession with arson?" Hisoka chimes in from under me.

"Probably, who knows." I shrug. In all seriousness though, I have a plan B, however, I have a really sickening feeling in my stomach that it's the only plan that'll work. I'm still keeping arson as a backup though. "Any luck tracking them E?" Turning my head to face her, she's lying the same way Hisoka is on Illumi's stomach while he braids a small section of her hair. 

"Yeah. I've already arranged so that we can leave the second you're ready to go," Will I ever be ready though? The longer we stay here the higher risk of him drowning the world in chaos. 

"We can leave tomorrow," If you don't deal with an issue head-on it's just going to multiply. I'm already at my tolerance limit and kind of want to get rid of this damned curse mark before it hurts me anymore. Everyone else stays silent. No one sure of what to say to me, their eyes darting at each other frantically. 

"Are you sure about that love?" Hisoka breaks the silence. 

"Yeah, the longer we let the problem grow the bigger pain in the ass it's going to be. We can train while we're looking for them but I really just want to get this over and done with. Lu can you call grandpa and ask him to stay with the kids while we're gone?" He nods getting up to leave the room pulling Eva along with him. 

"You're impulsive, but not stupid, so you do have a plan?" How- Uh. 

"Firstly, ouch and secondly, I can't say yet," He just sighs. "Just promise me, if I lose control, bring me back," He flips over and puts his hands under his chin on my stomach staring up at me. 

"On one condition," I cock a brow at him while my hands continue to play with his hair. "No more secrets between us," he seems stern on that point and I honestly can't blame him. I kept a few crucial secrets from him and he could have lashed out at me for any of those, but he didn't. 

"When has there been- oh, never mind, okay then, no more secrets. Unless they're for a-" He cuts me off mid-sentence. He gets up and hovers over me, his hands on either side of me holding onto the sofa. 

"No, no secrets at all," He brings his face lower to mines, merely centimeters away. "Are we clear?" He gives me a closed eye smile, but it's not his usual one, it's the threatening one. 

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now