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"Psssst, pssssst. Boss," Reluctantly opening my tired eyes, Eva's hovering above me poking at my face. 

"You have 5 seconds to explain why you're here and why you're waking me up before I yeet you off that balcony behind you, what time is it anyway?" I groan in a low tone careful not to wake Hisoka who's asleep between my legs. 

"It's 5 pm, and we have a problem," Oh great. Just what I need. "The head of the second household is outside the gate, and he's bitching again," Oh great, even better.

Carefully getting out of bed doing my best not to wake Hisoka, I throw on some jeans and a hoodie and portal us to the front gate. Sure enough Uncle J and his son are standing there both with scowls on their faces. Oh boy. 

Uncle J, even though he surpasses me in height by just a few inches, he never fails to look down on me as if I'm lower than he is. His brown eyes narrow at me, his bushy unkept eyebrows furrowed at the center. He has a relatively tall figure, but his posture is horrendous, his figure isn't large, but it also isn't muscular. 

Jean's as per usual standing beside him in his usual t-shirt and jeans texting away on his phone without a care in the world. You know, sometimes I wonder if he's uncle J's real son. Dear uncle has dark brunette hair while Sean has blonde hair. He doesn't die it since I've known him to have it his entire life. He has brown eyes like his father, but his figure's perfectly sculpted and fit. Then again he does spend more time on his body than his brain. 

"What can I do for you?" I ask as politely as I can. 

"You disgraceful, disappointment sorry excuse for a child! How dare you send Ghost squad to surveillance my house and my work??!" Oh, great, bitching was an understatement. 

"I gave no such command. You should know by now dear Uncle that they do a random check on each household once a month. So to blame me for them doing their job is not only laughable but also foolish," Gods give me patience. Because if you give me strength I'm gonna have an entire clan on my ass. 

"Would you mind explaining why you are on my property this hour of the day spewing nonsense at my granddaughter when she just got back from a near-death mission?" Looking behind us to find the owner of the sudden voice, Grandpa's perched on top of the gate with his hands behind his back. Thank the gods he's here.

"Zeno. I-" Before he could say anything else, grandpa cuts him off.

"That's Mr. Zoldyck to you," The deep serious tone from grandpa makes both Eva and I stifle a laugh. He's purposely being more intimidating and it's scaring the guy. Truth be told he doesn't like people calling him Mr. Zoldyck. 

"I-I was just asking why she had the Ghost squad survey my work and home without permission and-" Grandpa cuts him off again

"If I remember correctly, she just said that they do random surveillance once a month on each household so why are you barging in here to blame her for something you never had an issue with when her father was in power?" You can practically see the fumes coming out of uncle J's head as he tries to figure out a way to respond to that, as well as the fear bubbling in him from being in grandpa's presence alone.

"Mr. Zoldyck, you should know more than anyone that she isn't fit to run a clan nor is she-"

"Before you run your mouth anymore and spew more nonsense, she is the daughter of Leon Kazumi, Daya Kazumi, Silva Zoldyck, and my granddaughter, she's more than fit to run the clan she grew up in, and more than fit to give the order to execute you. So I'd advise that you know your place. She's not perfect, but neither was her father. However, she's twice as ruthless as he was and unlike her father, she'll show no mercy. So, again, I'd highly urge you to know your place since you can't even open our gates. Now please, get off my property before I make you leave," 

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now