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"Master Illumi, Master Hisoka, Master Silva requests your presence in his study at once," Gotoh comes in from the house. Wonder what could be important at this hour. Illu comes out of the pool and throws a towel over his head. While we wait for Illu to change quickly, Hisoka takes another drink with me, his hands roaming all over my body idly. Slapping away his hands do nothing since he just continues. Finally, Illu comes down in a shirt and jeans, and I portal them to dad's study. They'll text me when they're done so till then it'll just be me, E, and the kids. 

Grabbing a slice of cake, I sit and indulge in it occasionally just poking the frosting with my fork. Not long passes and I get a text from dad asking me to meet him in his study as well. Uh oh. What did I do this time? Stepping through the portal, all three of them stare at me as if I've burnt down a city or something.

"Whatever I did, I swear I had a reason for it," I try to defend myself putting my hands up defensively. 

"Your oversized package is here, it's outside the gate," 

"Yay, my cars are here," I chirp about to walk back through a portal.

"Wait," Dad stops me in my tracks. "I expect you to be alert and on stand by awaiting Illumi's call," I tilt my head in confusion at him. "I'm sending Illumi and Hisoka on a month-long mission and it could possibly go south,"

"Then why not just let me go with them?" A month without the idiots? It's a bittersweet thing but still. I could just go with them.

"No, you and Eva have duties to the Kazumi clan, and as such your focus should be that," Right, I almost forgot I run an entire clan of assassins. 

"When do they leave?" I sigh

"Tomorrow afternoon," My eyes widen at the abruptness of it, but I guess it's just how things are.

"Okay," I huff

"You have a few matters to deal with but we can talk about that tomorrow," Sighing, I walk through my portal to my new cars. Technically I bought it for a mission, but then again, it was just an excuse to get it for myself. Hehe. Dad took me to a fair amount of street races as a kid and I fell in love with it. So I bought myself a little Chevrolet Camero, and also an RX-7 Veilside. Both in black to match the jeep. If it's one thing I will hold dear to me, is learning to fix cars from dad. He enjoyed it almost as much as he enjoyed spending time with me and mom. 

Touching both cars, I portal them to my front yard, not too far from the garage. I manually drive each into the large garage then take my time to admire the three vehicles. Truly a sight for sore eyes. My phone goes off in my pocket. Probably Illumi and Hisoka ready to come home. Opening a portal next to me, both of them walk through stopping momentarily to look at the cars. 

"Should I be worried for you or the other drivers on the road?" Illu remarks.

"Ha ha, you're not funny," I snark back.

"I have to agree with Illumi here love, do you even know how to drive those?" Oh, he didn't just- Staring at him blankly for a second, an idea pops into my head. 

"Get in," I order. Pulling the keys from the wall to the Rx and climbing into the driver's seat. They're quite low, you can feel the engine rumbling through the floors, the smell of new car filling my nose bringing a smile to my face. 

Hisoka climbs in, adjusting the seat so that his legs aren't awkwardly just there. He's too damn tall if you ask me. Pulling out of the garage, I portal us to a deserted hill where I can really show him what I can do. The hill's in a somewhat spiral descent coming out to an abandoned road at the bottom. How do I know of this place? 

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now