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For a person who loves their sleep, not being able to do that pisses me the fuck off. I've been tossing and turning for the past 3 hours. I'm surprised I didn't wake Hisoka but then again he is a heavy sleeper. 

Exhausted and fed up, I get out of bed and head downstairs to the fridge for a glass of milk or something. Since Lumi confiscated my coffee supply I'm limited to drinks and food with lower volumes of caffeine. It sucks. Walking through the dark silent halls, the atmosphere feels heavy, almost like it's suffocating. It's probably just in my head, yeah. That's it. 

That's odd, why can't I hear the water moving around from the pool? Come to think of it, the koi pond as well is much quieter than it usually is. Okay, now this is truly disturbing. No wind rustling through the trees, no water trickling in the distance. Alright. Who's messing with me now?! I'm getting sick and tired of this bullshit. 

"I see someone's enjoying her life completely oblivious to her faults in her last life," Okay, so, I could either pretend to ignore the growling voice in the still air, or I can acknowledge it and probably let it bite me in the ass later. Yeah, I'm just going to ignore it and probably wait for it to still bite me in the ass later on. 

Proceeding to pour myself a glass of milk. I turn around to put the milk back in the fridge only to be alarmed by the sound of a glass shattering behind me. Sure enough on the floor is the glass that was filled with the milk. 

"Alright you son of a bitch, you don't pay for anything in this house and unless you want me to sage your ass out of my house you better leave!" I yell into the air. My voice seems to echo through the kitchen seemingly never-ending which is impossible - I'm dreaming. No other explanation. Although my tone may come out as threatening, my heart's racing at an unstable pace. 

"Alright, the fuck do you want now?" I sigh leaning against the kitchen island. Nothing seems to happen. Great, now I'm the crazy chick talking to her kitchen air. I need my coffee man. Or I just need sleep too. If this is a dream why do I feel so goddamn drained?

About to leave the kitchen, a burning throbbing sensation sends me cowering to my knees. The antagonizing tormentful pain shooting through my back, its origin probably the point of contact where Conor hit me. Of course, he had to do something to me. It wouldn't be my life if I didn't leave without some form of backlash. That same voice that was here just a moment ago returns, snickering at my torment, bringing with it a knee-quaking aura, not as sinister as the red-eyed wolf figure in my dreams, but still nauseatingly evil.

The intensity of the pain continues to grow to the point I feel like all 12 years of torture put into this moment. Sobbing on the cold wet floor, the pain continues to burn, the sensation of my skin being burned and grated off my body. This is worse than hell. 

C'mon (Y/n). WAKE THE FUCK UP. Crawling to the kitchen drawer cutting my arms with the shards of glass still on the floor, I manage to grab a knife from inside one of the drawers and stab myself in the thigh in an attempt to wake up. The moment I cry out instead of waking up in bed, I realize I'm not dreaming and I really just stabbed myself. Summoning my deck of cards, I attempt to use my healing card but it doesn't work. Terror takes over as my last option to stop this pain that almost seems unfathomable is just thrown out the window. How has no one else woken up yet?! I'm shrieking like a goddamned banshee. C'mon, think. Quick... Guess there's only one person who can help me. 

"KAI!" I scream out with my weakened strained voice. The room goes silent, but the pain remains. Fighting through it, I claw my way to stand on my two feet, I use the side of the island to help hold myself up. Just what I needed. My entire body's covered in blood, glass, and milk. Gross. Why is no one awake?

"You should probably sit down, you're going to collapse," I'd recognize that scolding tone any day. 

"You have 10 seconds to tell me who the fuck that was, why the fuck no one else woke up, why my healing card didn't work, AND WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU COME HELP ME EARLIER?!" I muster up the last of my voice, straining my vocal cords. 

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now