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"That's low dude, using my brother to lure me out here," I scoff turning to face Chrollo sitting nearby. While I'm here I undo Kalluto's thread and change the conditions. He'll be safe from all harm and heal completely if any injury falls on him. Kalluto sits on the fountain and I sit next to him crossing my arms over my chest. I should leave, yet there's something preventing me from doing so. 

"You wouldn't come if I had called, and you can thank Hisoka for this, he's the one who told us Kalluto was your brother," Oh right. He did mention that I had a brother in the troupe. Damned clown.  Chrollo starts coughing, stopping him from whatever he was about to say. Oh right, the conditions must be taking effect. 

"What do you want?" I spit harshly. 

"Change the conditions on the threads, you won't remove them but at least change them. We've been running into people you care about without knowing and it's infuriating," That's kind of the whole point but okay.

"Why are you guys even here?"

"They're hunting an ex-troupe member who could be quite dangerous. He took the eyes of Uvogin," Oh. Ah fuck. This stupid heart of mine is gonna get me in trouble. Sighing I get up from next to Kalluto and pull my phone out to call Hisoka.

"How far away are you from the city?" 

"I'd say about 15 minutes at most. Why, is everything alright?" Oh, how he's gonna be mad at me for this. 

"When you get to the city make a dinner reservation somewhere and I'll meet you there," 

"Okay, be safe," He says almost skeptically.

"You too," I hang up and turn back to Chrollo. 

"You got 10 minutes," He smiles and snaps his fingers, the rest of the troupe emerges from the trees. What did I agree to?

Undoing their current threads, I end up changing their conditions so that if they harmed me or anyone I cared deeply about they would feel 10x the pain of what they inflicted. I do Chrollo's last since I was trying to avoid him as much as I could. He lifts his arm so that I can have access to the thread easily.

"Do you dislike me," Why couldn't he just be silent??!! I don't answer him. "I'd like for us to start over if that's okay with you. I'd rather have you as an ally than an enemy," Of course you would. You don't know what kind of powers I have and I could possibly be dangerous to you. Ignoring him, I walk back over to Kalluto.

"Your brothers and sister are also in town, do with that what you wish. I'm heading back so if you need me, just call. Also, you should probably come home soon. You'll find some new surprises," Messing up his hair a bit, I portal back to the city and lean back onto the wall behind me. 

God this day has been stressful. I wonder if it's too late to tell him to cancel the reservations. Pulling out my phone to call him, a hand grabs my wrist causing my instincts to take over. Pulling down, I flip the person onto their back and hold one of my kunai to their throat with my sneaker on their chest. 

"Someone's jumpy," Oh, it's just Hisoka. Helping him up, he lets go of my wrist and dusts off his clothes. The second he finishes, I wrap my arms around his torso hugging him tightly.

"Can we just go back to the hotel and sleep?" I mumble in his shirt. He pulls me off of him and grabs my cheeks cupping them in his big hands. 

"Don't you want to go see your favorite chain user?" Whatever energy left me instantly returned. I'm sure my eyes are gleaming like a child's on Christmas morning. He chuckles and grabs my hand as we start running over houses and jumping roofs to get to the hospital. He ends up running ahead of me, disappearing out of sight. I manage to get to the hospital, but what floor is he on? 

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now