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I try to ignore him, hoping he'll walk away, but no such luck. 

"Leave me alone Illumi, I'm not in the mood for your antics," I spit out a bit harshly. 

"You're acting like a child," emotionless as always. 

"Please, just leave me alone," I mutter lowly

"If you didn't tell him, it could have driven-" I can't deal with this right now

"Illumi! Shut UP! Please! For once, just listen to me! I get it okay!? I'm weak, I get it. STOP RUBBING IT IN. Please just stop. I know I'm falling again!! I don't care. Let me fall. Maybe for once in the godforsaken life I'LL FINALLY HAVE SOME KIND OF UNDERSTANDING TO THE REASON I WAS EVEN FUCKING BORN!! BECAUSE RIGHT NOW ALL THAT I CAN THINK OF IS THAT I'M SOME PUPPET BEING CONTROLLED AND TOYED WITH LIKE A MINDLESS DOLL, AND ALL I CAN DO IS WATCH WHILE THE PEOPLE I LOVE DROP DEAD AROUND ME!! " I have to hold onto the sides of the island to steady my balance. Slowly guiding myself down to the floor, I lean my back against the cupboards. Screaming my heart out made my head and body feel light. He comes back around the island and sits next to me on the floor.

"What happened while you were unconscious?" As best as I could, I reiterate everything I could doing my best not to break down.

"You idiot, you keep acting like you have to deal with everything on your own," He puts my head against his shoulder, putting his head against mines, one of his arms wrapping around me holding me tight. "You're not alone, never will be," 

"I'm sorry for earlier, I didn't mean it," I mutter just staring at the marble of the island in front of us. 

"I know. You only react like that when you're under extreme stress,"

"Still though, I'm sorry, and thanks for looking out for me....and putting up with me," His hold around me tightens. I wrap both my arms around his side and hug him tightly letting the rest of the tears fall onto his shirt. 

"It's what siblings do. You do the same for me," Yet I know he deals with double of what I do. "You're still part Zoldyck. So act like one. We'll find our way through what's coming. We always do," He's right about that. We always get our missions accomplished, except we're playing with the lives of the entire world this time around.  "Aunt Lynn sent us to get some things for you to take that should keep you calm without disrupting your nen. Please just take it, and do as she says, once you're back to sleeping peacefully and back to yourself, you can stop. But until then-" He's pleading. His voice may not say it, but I know

"Okay, I will," Comfortable silence takes over for a few moments before he speaks up again. 

"You should probably go look for Hisoka. He took your jeep and left. He's been gone for a few hours," Uh oh. That can't mean anything good. Not in the slightest. 

Portaling to him, he's at Enzo's bar, drunk and slumped over the bar counter. There are a few girls littered around him touching him, but they're nothing I can't handle. Not even worth my time honestly but I need to get him home. 

"Oh good, you're here. I've been calling for the past hour," E comes from the back with a relieved smile on his face. "He's been through 4 bottles and wouldn't stop. As for the girls, they wouldn't go away," Yeah, that much I usually expect. Not him being drunk though. 

"I just got back from a mission and I didn't have my phone on me, sorry. I'll take him home. Thanks, E," He nods and goes back to his job. I walk over to him and stand behind him. "Are you gonna walk to the car or do I have to carry you back and sober you up?" All 6 girls around him all turn their heads to look at me with the nastiest scowls they could muster. 

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now