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The mission we're scoping out is from a very high paying man who would rather stay anonymous. He claims someone's trying to kill him and his family and would like us to take care of them. Normally I'd see this as a man who got tangled up in some underground business and now has terrifying people chasing him. Because every stupid greedy man follows that same path. They want fame and fortune, go to underground links for help, fail to keep their side of the bargain, and are now running for their life because they can't pay back what was due. Now their entire family is in danger and they'll do anything to make it go away. 

"What do we think E?" I ask her. We ran all the way here, jumping trees, buildings and now we're here, on the roof of an apartment complex looking down into the motel where our little family resides so peacefully with the curtains wide open. Idiots. 

"I'd consider it rank D for the most, nothing too bad, could probably get Rose to take care of it," She is newer to this since it was normally Ace who I did these things with while she stayed back with dad. 

"Good job, now, you are right, however, you didn't take into account that a possible target is right on the floor beneath us with a sniper rifle aimed at our employer's daughter," Both her face and Hisoka's go blank, oblivious to that fact. "I saw him climbing the backstairs with a long but thin bag on his shoulder when we were running through the forest. Judging by the quality of the bag, I'd say it's one of the latest models," Climbing onto the ledge, I position myself just to the side of the shooter's window. " Hey, babe, can you put your bungee gum around me real quick?" He seems hesitant at first but catches on quickly. With it snug around my waist, I drop down to the shooter's window and knock him out by hitting him in the head with the back of his own gun. 

Pulling myself into the room, I portal his body to the roof with us, and we portal back to the Zoldyck's interrogation room. My favorite room in this entire godforsaken house. Its walls are soundproof and there are also toys to use on our victims... except one that I don't recognize. Why is there a pink thong next to the rope?

"Damn Illumi, should have made sure he picked it up when we left," Both me and Hisoka get whiplash turning our heads to look at Eva. Glancing at each other to make sure we heard right, I feel my entire body cringing from the image put in my head. 

"E-E-Eva?" I try to form words but my brain is still in processing. Her entire face goes red as she tries to hide her face in her hands. It's always the innocent ones huh. "Let's go to the other interrogation room, and remind me to soak this one in holy water," Shaking the disturbing thought from my head, I portal us into another interrogation room. 

"Love-" Hisoka tries to talk but I already know what he's about to say. Putting my finger against his lip so he says nothing, I can feel him smirking against it. 

"We speak not of what we just witnessed. And no you will not be bringing me here for that. You have your own restraints, you don't need anymore" I say monotonically. I still have not recovered from learning what happens in that interrogation room next to us. The bitch bites my finger earning him a punch in the stomach. That mind of his is wild, I know for a damn fact he's thinking of something he can do to get me to cave. 

"You people are crazy," Seems our captive has awoken. Couldn't have better timing too. 

"Crazy doesn't even begin to describe us," Kneeling to the ground, I lift his head up with the hilt of my kunai. "Now, you can either talk, or we can make you talk. I'll just have you know, our methods of interrogation get quite...messy," I smile innocently looking down at the terrified man. Putting him on the chair, we start by simply handcuffing him to the wall so he can't run, cuffing his legs to the chair as well.

"Now, lemme explain how this works, you get three lives. You either tell me what I want to hear or choose a number from 1-5 and get a torture device used on you, I will warn you though, depending on what you pick, you may not last long," Slapping him playfully, I walk back to where Hisoka and Eva are. "First question, who do you work for?" Our little friend stays silent. 

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now