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"How long do you suspect this mission will take?" Hisoka huffs while mindlessly playing with my deck of cards on the sofa.

"I honestly am not sure. I hope it doesn't take too long though," Straying away into the depths of my mind, a buzzing sound pulls me back to reality. Grabbing my phone from the nightstand, it's a text from Eva. 

I don't feel too good. I'll sit this one out. You can take Hisoka if you like, or you can ask Illumi. 

Yeah, I know what that's code for. The crimson waves of hell have knocked at her door. She decided to take a break from the birth control since it was messing with her hormones so she gets to experience the week from hell for a few months. 

"E can't go with me, you wanna take her place?" I sigh plopping down on Hisoka's lap. "I would ask Illumi but I'd rather he stay here and take care of her," He tilts his head to the side and trails his hand up my back to my neck then up through my hair. 

Thankfully after 23 years living with me, Illumi's developed a 7th sense for knowing what a girl needs on her period and when she needs it. He used to know my cycle better than I did so when that time did come around he was prepared. I'm not much different from a person on my period than my usual self. I'm a bitch regardless. 

Though I will say that after the first day I don't get much pain or anything and my period only lasts about 5 days, sometimes 4. HOWEVER. Let a bitch try me and I'll nuke em along with anything within a 50-kilometer radius. 

I've realized keeping him away from the racing part of my life is flat out dumb. There's nothing to hide but my record of races, some of which I totaled other people's car as well as my own, a few guys that tried to ask me out but I rejected, a near-death experience by a salty ego bruised racer and my very small entanglement in an illegal race which the cops got involved which lead to them finding out an illegal drug trade was happening around. 

I'll admit. I was stupid and my ego wanted a little boost. At the time racing, a bunch of dangerous sketchy people seemed as an aid to said goal.  My first year at this was filled with injuries and car repairs. My father was losing his mind over it so he had Matheo's father teach me to save both his sanity and his wallet. I quickly got the gist of it and in no time I claimed my title of drift queen. My current race wins to lose streak is 75-5. 

I did tell him everything about my racing life a few days ago. He actually brought it up himself. He was curious about it so I told him. He was actually impressed and it's things like this that make me realize that I need to get rid of some old habits... I'm just so used to not letting anyone in that I guess it's hard to drop the habits I created. 

"Sounds like fun," Sliding off of his lap and onto the sofa, he heads into the closet and comes back out with both our bags in his hand and a wide smile on his face. Portaling us to the hotel I booked, I hand him the keys to the room while I finish with some paperwork they gave me. 

Since E and I were coming alone, we ended up just taking one room seeing that we would have just slept in the same bed regardless if we had booked 2 rooms. So I guess it works out. The room's relatively small and simple with a king bed, tv in front of it, a bathroom, and a small balcony. 

I attempt to open the door to the balcony but I'm pulled back onto the bed into a pair of large arms. 

"Hmmm, what do you want to do now?" He mumbles in my ear tightening his grip around my waist. 

"We have a few hours to kill before the races tonight, wanna go explore the city a bit?" I suggest running my thumb along his forearm. 

"I could go for some food," 

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now