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When the ambulances left, so did some of the racers, when it came to the last race of the night, it wasn't even a fair win when the other racers couldn't even overtake me at the beginning. It was boresome being in the lead from start to finish with no adrenaline rush. Kuroo still enjoyed himself and I guess that does seem like a win.

After I collected the prize money and gave it to him, Hisoka and I came back to the hotel. He took the wheel this time and dropped me off at the entrance before taking the car to the hotel's garage to park it. I managed to get a quick shower in since I was sweaty and covered in dirt from the roads.

By the time I came out dressed for bed in one of Hisoka's t-shirts and some shorts, Hisoka came in and went to shower as well seeing that someone threw their drink all over him...they're not alive anymore. Grabbing my laptop from my bag, I sit on the bed and begin searching for anything about Cryptic.

"Baby, can you pass me my hunter's license please? It's in my bag," I call to Hisoka as he's getting out of the shower. He walks to the dresser beside him and starts rummaging through my purse.

"So you had my license all along? I've been looking for it for ages," He hums throwing mine to me.

"Well, you were the one that had asked me to keep it for you back when we were at the island for my birthday, you left it with me both the time I ran out on you and the time you left me. It hasn't left my possession since," I had forgotten myself that it was in there, I never really paid attention to it.

"Oh, I see," He climbs in next to me with only sweatpants on with a towel slung around his neck to catch the droplets of water dripping from his hair. "Do you mind?" He asks smiling at me with his usual closed eye grin pointing at his hair.

Sighing, I put the laptop next to me allowing him to sit between my legs. I have to sit on the pillows so that he can lie comfortably with his head on my stomach. He takes the laptop and puts it on his lap continuing to search the Hunter website for any information. Taking the towel from his neck, I start gently drying his hair massaging his scalp in the process. He likes head massages.

"Seems he's well hidden, the hunter website doesn't give any information about him," He mumbles under me.

This mission hasn't even started 6 hours...and I'm already about to give up and call in Illumi to take over. Why didn't I do that? Oh, right, I'm the racer that can easily get into these places. Fuckkk. Mannnn, all now I could have been in bed with Reya and Roman watching a show about dogs who can talk and have these cool vehicles they can operate that is also their house and they save the people in their little bay area city.

"What do you wanna do?"

"I guess all we can do is wait for him to show his face next week," I sigh resting my cheek against his head. "Guess we got some time to kill, wanna play tourists for a week? We could even call Kuroo to give us a tour around since he grew up here," I suggest twirling the ends of his hair in my fingers.

"Sure," He huffs placing the laptop on the nightstand next to me and flipping over snuggling his head between my boobs, his arms slipping under me. I can't help at chuckle at the wide smile on his face even though his eyes are closed. "Mmm, you're warm,"

"And you're cold," I chuckle brushing away the hair from his face. Reaching to the side, I grab the blanket and throw it over him, sinking down into the bed taking the lamp off. The bright city lights coming from the balcony illuminates the entire room just dimly enough to be able to make out the silhouette of each object. The tv, the dresser, the shadow person in the corner......

The shadow person in the -

You know what... I AIN'T SEE NUTHING, I'M legally BLIND, and there's NUTHING THERE. Not gonna acknowledge it, not one bit, absolutely fucking not. I'm going LE FUCK to bed.

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now