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Small heads up, this is my headcanon of Hisoka's past. Since I have yet to find anything that gives me any real details about it besides what we've discovered already, this is just what I imagine it's like. Also please forgive my update schedule. Some days I can write 3 chapters in one go, other days it takes 2 days just to complete 1. Bear with me. 

"Are you sobered up?" I ask, my face still snuggled in the crook of his neck. 

"Mostly, though, I could do with a nap," He groans causing his entire body to vibrate against mine

"You just woke up," I giggle. 

"That's because you left me with the pillow," He pouts. "Did you complete the mission?" I nod against his skin. "Good, then get dressed, we're going out," His hand smacks my ass harshly, a smirk forming on his face. 

"Was that necessary?"  I whine rubbing my burning ass. It really hurts. 

"Yes," He smirks pulling my chin up to kiss me. The second he pulls away, I go back in for another, a small smile forming on his lips. "If we don't stop, we won't leave,"

"I'm convinced that you're turning into me and I'm turning into you," I chuckle. Climbing off of him, I head into the shower, and sure enough, he ends up joining me halfway through. By the time I'm finished, he's still in there, so I head into the closet to change. I should really get the renovators to put a door from the closet to the bathroom This walking feels like torture. 

Okay, what do I wear? Ou, this looks pretty. Throwing on a pair of red leather high waist pants, I add a cropped black graphic shirt and some black ankle boots. On second thought, maybe I should change... for some reason I just feel... self-conscious about this. I can't put my finger on it but it just feels, off. These pants feel tighter than they should be. I bought them in January. 

"If you're going to wear that, we really won't get to leave this house today," Hisoka comes up behind me, startling me in the process. His eyes rake my body up and down as he licks his lips. Unconsciously, I wrap my arms around myself which ends up making Hisoka confused. "You look great,"  He comes up to me, wet and still in his towel, lifting my chin up with his index finger to kiss me on the lips. "Beautiful as always," He whispers against my lips. Fireworks go off in my stomach as I start to feel less anxious about it. "You may want to pack a jacket, it might be cold," Odd, where are you taking me clown?

"I'll pick one up on the way out. I'll be in the room," Stretching back up, I kiss him again before leaving the closet. The light from my phone buzzing on the nightstand gets my attention the second I walk out. It's Silva. That's... new. 

"Dad?" The line goes silent for a second.

"(Y/n)," He breathes out almost in relief. "Are you... are you alright?" Well, this is certainly new. "Illumi told me what happened, would you like me or dad to help you out for a while?" I uh- I. Who is this?! It's not the Silva I know! "I know it's been difficult with your dad gone. I'm still your other dad, and you're still my daughter. I wouldn't want to see you hurting or in pain. I know you'll decline but please, princess, don't forget I'm always here, and so is dad," Hanging up the phone, I portal directly to him, tackling him with a hug. He stumbles back a little but recovers nicely. It does take him a few moments to process what's going on, but he ends up wrapping his arms around me hugging me tightly. 

"Thanks, dad," I mumble into his shirt. After a few minutes, he puts me down. "I'll be fine, don't worry. I have Lulu and Hisoka with me after all," I don't know what I'd do without them. 

"Plans for today?" He cocks a brow as he analyzes my outfit.

"Yeah, Hisoka's taking me out for the day," His eyebrow raises further in suspicion. 

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now