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"If you don't wake up I'm making you run 500 laps around the mountain using your nen at a consistent amount," The voice I've been longing to hear for months. The one I've missed so dearly. You would think when he came to visit me in my dream he'd be a bit nicer. 

"I know I said I missed you, but come on, really? The first time you see me in how many months, and you're gonna hit me with that?" I chuckle springing out of bed to tackle him with a hug. He stumbles back a bit but finds his footing easily. It really is him. 

The same smell of oak and cinnamon, a warm body that gave the best hugs. "Dad," I whisper out crying softly into his shoulder. His big arms wrap around me engulfing me in his larger figure. The overwhelming joy flowing within me is indescribable. The tears raging down my face just soaking his soft cotton t-shirt. 

"I'm right here princess," He puts me down and wipes away the tears from my face. I didn't notice before, but we're just in a void of white space. I mean it could have at least been like mom's and been in the house. 

"You haven't called me that since I was 15." I chuckle wiping under my chin trying to calm down.

"No matter how old you get, you'll always be my little baby girl. My princess," He ruffles my hair forcefully. Man, he and Silva literally shake my brain around when they do that to me. 

"Are you happy, with mom?" I ask pulling his hand off my head holding onto it with both of mines. 

"(Y/n)," He cups my face in his hand. "It wasn't my intention to leave you, and I'm sorry for what you've had to go through-" I cut him off before he could continue rambling on.

"It's fine, dad, really. I'm just happy to see you again," I smile up at him through my puffy eyes and probably runny nose. "Was mom happy to see you?" I ask changing the subject.

"Your mother had more than a few strong words for me when she saw me. But after the yelling, and hitting, and scolding, and more hitting, I was able to hold her again after so many years. It felt surreal to me," I just stare at him letting it all soak in. "You're quite like your mother you know, strong-willed, stubborn, a big heart, a deadly right hook, and an abundance of love for the people you hold dear to you," He chuckles pinching my cheeks. "I see Hisoka has been treating you good" He looks at me with a cocked brow and a sly smile. Boyyy. This is astronomically embarrassing. 

"Uhh... should I be scared by that?," I ask nervously scratching behind my head. 

"Is there something I should know?" Okay, so I should be safe

"NO, no no, he has been treating me good, don't worry," A smile forms on my face remembering that he took out a change of clothes for me before I came home. To some, it's just a small deed. But it's the little things that count. Especially to me. The smile on his face fades, mine following suit. 

"You're not here to catch up with me are you?" I sigh dreading the imminent conversation. 

"As much I wish it was princess, it's not. Listen to me, always remember who you're fighting for, always keep grounded to the people you have around you, always keep that in mind," He sighs stroking my cheek with his thumb.

"You're not making any sense," I huff pouting at him. He smiles softly and ruffles my hair again. 

"You'll know when the time comes, I love you, and I'm proud of the person you've become, flaws and all," He ruffles my hair again pulling me in for a tight hug.

"I love you too, and I miss you so much," I mutter into his shirt.

 "I miss you too. Tell Hisoka I said hi, and that I'm watching him," Gulp. Everything around us starts to disappear, him included. He disappears completely, my eyes gently opening to meet Hisoka staring down at me with concern. 

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now