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Unfortunately for us, just as his fingers wrap around the band of my underwear, someone knocks at our door. He pulls my pants up over my hips and ties the string in a cute bow before pulling my body in to kiss my bare stomach. 

"We'll continue this after," He mumbles looking up at me. He leaves his arms around my waist resting them on my ass, his head on my stomach.

"Yeah?" I yell to the person behind the door. 

"Do you both have clothes on?" Silva? This is new. I try to pull Hisoka's hands off of me but he doesn't budge. 

"You can come in dad," I huff giving up. He comes in and stares at us trying to understand the scene before him. His eyes fall onto my exposed side where the ink can still be seen. 

"What did you do to your body this time? He sighs rubbing the inner circles of his eyes. Hehe, I even make Silva question his parenting, how fun. 

"It's part of dad's tattoo, I got it to honor him," He stares at it a bit longer before shaking his head. 

"That mission where you need the cars, it's approaching soon, though I know Hisoka's birthday is a few days away so it can wait till after," 

"You're not the type to come all the way here just to tell me that, plus its almost midnight on a Friday night, what's up?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest. He sighs and puts his hands on his hip. He walks out the door and comes back with a box filled with things.

"I found these while I was cleaning up your father's room, I thought you might want it," He puts the box on the coffee table and sits on the couch next to it. I sit next to Hisoka, his arm wrapping around me while he relaxes into the sofa, his other hand stretched along the length of the back of the sofa. 

"For the most part I left his room untouched, but I did clean up some boxes in his study and in the corners of his room," My eyes fall onto a silver box. Reaching forward, I pick it up unconsciously running my fingertips along the edges of the diamonds that rim the edge. Something about it feels vaguely familiar, like a clouded memory of-

My finger accidentally click a button, the top of the box springing up to reveal a little couple dancing on top of a piece of glass, a picture of my parents on their wedding day in a plaque behind. Staring at the couple dancing, it dawns on me that it's them. A slow song starts to come from the box as the couple spins along the glass surface of the box. 

This tune, It's mom's lullaby. she'd sing me it every night before I went to bed. It's just so foggy of a memory I don't recall the words. I wish I could. Hisoka runs his hand up and down my back gently, breaking me from my trance. 

"Uh, it's pretty late, do you want me to portal you home?" I ask wiping away the tears that managed to stain my face. 

"Sure," Sending him home, I plop down in front the couch between Hisoka's legs on the soft fluffy rug and start to go through the box of momentums. The first thing I pull out is a photo album. It's not mine, that much I am sure of. Flipping through the big book, it's theirs. The album that shows their life together. From the day they met to their wedding day to the day I was born. 

"She's quite beautiful," Hisoka chimes in from behind me. 

"She is, isn't she," My fingers trace along the sides of her face remembering her beautiful smile and soft skin. 

"Your father looks less threatening as well," He snickers behind me.

"Well yeah, mom was the scary one after all, she terrified everyone yet she was the kindest soul you would have ever met. I wish you could have met her," I sigh tilting my head back to look at him. 

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now