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Maybe I should have just shut my mouth and complied. Every inch of my body is aching, every inch of me is covered in either bite marks, bruises, or hickeys. Thank goodness for my damn healing cards. Or else I'd be needing a trip to the makeup store or something. I try rolling out of bed, but my plans are foiled by a large cold arm pulling me back into bed.

"You're not going anywhere," He mumbles into my hair in his deep morning voice. There's no point in me fighting him, he's stronger physically. Even when he's half asleep.

"Please, I wanna shower," I pout. His arm tightens around me giving me my answer. Guess I'm staying in bed a little while longer. Turning over, I snuggle into his body resting my hand against his chest tacing abstract objects. "I was thinking to head back to the dragon lands today to see if anything's changed, wanna come with me?" I mumble just audible enough for him to hear. He hums in response. He's still asleep, I'll ask again when he's up. 

"Again with the leggings, was last night not enough for you?" The clown pops in while I'm changing. He just got out of the shower and I can't help but stare. The towel hanging dangerously low on his hips, the beads of water dripping down his body which is littered with my bite marks and hickeys, his hair wet and dangling over his face. God, he's unrealistically fine. "You're staring," Somehow he's now behind me, growling lowly into my ear.

"For your information, I still need new clothes plus these are comfortable. Also, I'm not staring, I'm admiring," He wraps an arm around my bare waist, kissing and sucking on my sweet spot behind my neck. "Hey, I just got rid of all the evidence, and you're putting more," I spur out my words seemingly caught in my throat. He chuckles against my skin and continues what he's doing. His other hand glides up my back. "Babeee, stop, if you don't we won't get anything done today," I'm still trying to compose myself as his wet sloppy kisses rake down my back. It ain't working out.

"It can wait," Yeah, it can wait. "What's my name?" soft whimpers escape my mouth as his hands glide up to my bare boobs. I swear I had on a bra a second ago.

"Hisoka," I whimper out.

"Try again," His fingers start to squeeze my nipples.

"Baby," He comes back up to my neck, nibbling on the shell of my ear.

"One more chance or else I'm taking you in front this mirror so you can see everything," Tempting, oh so very tempting. 

"Listen bitch we got things to do today, plus it's already 1 pm and we need to be home by 5," Finally able to compose myself, I pick up my bra that somehow managed to fall onto the floor and continue getting dressed. I end up just throwing on a purple sleeveless crop hoodie and some sneakers. "I'm heading back to the dragon lands for a bit to see if anything's changed. You coming with me?" I ask gathering my hair into a ponytail as best I can. 

"I gave you your answer the first time you asked didn't I?" He chuckles pulling his shirt over his head. I've started realizing that every single one of his clothes has at least one of the card suits on them.  I find it adorable. 

"Well, yeah. But you were half asleep so I just assumed you weren't really listening to me," Before I know what's happening, he spins me around and tilts my chin up so that I'm looking at him.

"I always listen to you, even when you're blabbering random things in Latin and other languages to yourself," His thumb glides along my chin, his eyes never leaving mines.

"I do that?" I ask tilting my head to the side completely oblivious to this new information.

"You do, the same way I randomly say things in French, and you respond in French," This is news to me. I wonder how long I've been doing it. 

Card Tricks (Hisoka x Reader) Book 2 of The Magician and The DragonWhere stories live. Discover now