Chapter 39

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A/N: key*
italic is the voice of "Avery" from now on! (Unless told otherwise.)

'You missed a spot, honey.'

'Will you shut up, please? I know your tryna help but seriously.'

For the next few days I spent time talking to my wolf. Well Avery I guess. I was trying to figure out what was going on with me. How this could even be? We both decided that it would be better if we kept this a secret for now. I hated lying to Rose; she knew there was something up, but how could I explain this? This is BIG even for me! Avery is my wolf. My Luna is my wolf. The person I had missed for so long; the one I talked to all the time. Now she could actually talk me. I felt better inside knowing she was with me. Ariel had said that I should be able to trust my wolf more than anyone. I trusted Avery with my life. She's proven that much when she was alive.

"Wait, so what are you?" I asked her out loud as I finished wiping down the windows.

'Excuse me?' She snorted.

"I mean are you... Dead? I saw you die."

'Do I seem dead to you? I mean it's a good question but common! You've seen me!'

"Yes! In a mirror and where my reflection is supposed to be... There you are!" I sighed frustrated. "Other than that your just like a voice in my head and I have to figure out if this is my insanity coming to bite me." I grumbled. As much as I was thrilled to be able to talk to her again how did I know she was actually real. She hadn't changed much. She was still the stubborn, wise, scary, and demanding woman I'd known when I'd first met her. Her refusal to give me much detail in what she might have known though was infuriating

'Your forgetting that I'm in the back of your mind and am hearing everything your thinking.'

"Well it's true."

"What's true?" I jumped when Kelsey came over with a sponge in her hand. "You okay? You seem like your miles away."

I shrugged hoping she would take that and go. Of course not.

"I know a lots happened since your birthday and how it must be frustrating." I glanced at her. "I just wanna make sure you know that there are people hear who you can talk to." She placed a hand on my shoulder. "We care."

'How dare she touch me.'
Avery snapped. 'I'm an Alpha.'

'You know you used to be a LOT nicer.' I thought at her. 'Now be quiet.'

I smiled at Kelsey. "I know that, Kelsey. I appreciate everything everyone's doing but I'm alright. Seriously." I shrugged. "So I didn't shift. Not the end of the world. I can handle it." Before she could say anything else I walked away. I just wanted to be left alone. Ever since that night every one of my friends had been treating me weird. I hated the worried glances and how they all seemed to be careful about what they said around me. I wasn't helpless. Confused yes, but helpless? Not anymore. Not now that I had Avery.

"I think I'm gonna take off. Can you finish up around here?" I asked Kelsey and Penelope who were helping me with the chores today. Penelope nodded but Kelsey looked unconvinced. "Maybe I should call Rose and.." I growled cutting her off.

"Kelsey, for the last time I'm fine! I don't need a babysitter and I certainly don't need my mom to know every step I take!" I glared at her. "With that said I'm gonna go." I quickly grabbed my jacket and shrugging it on I walked out of the pack house grumbling as I went.

Slamming the door behind me I walked. I didn't know exactly where I was going but I knew I just had to go. I needed time to think. To cope. To wonder. With what happened to me I needed to think about the possibilities. Why did it seem like everyone wanted to keep me from it? I growled as I shoved my hands into my pockets.

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