Chapter 46

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I watched as the leaves blew by on the ground below me as I sat on my window bench looking down. How lucky they were to be able to leave. To blow and land wherever they pleased. It had been 3 days post Lash and his rejection. I haven't been able to sleep or eat. I haven't spoken to anyone but Avery since that night; not that she had much to say either. She had also just lost another mate. I've had visitors, but they soon gave up when they saw I wasn't in the mood for company. It was now Friday and I was determined to turn things around.

"Today is going to be different." I spoke out loud to myself needing to hear the words to believe them. "I will no longer wallow in my self pity. I will get up and go to school, talk with the friends I have left, and I will smile. I will say I'm fine and they will believe it." I took a deep breath. "I can do this." I slowly got up and walking to the mirror I smiled as Avery looked back at me.

'You sure your ready to do this?' She asked.

"If I don't try to move past this I never will. I'm no longer an omega thanks to Lash and now I have more privileges." I shrugged. "Sitting around isn't going to change anything. It's time to move on." I quickly put my hair in a ponytail before getting everything I needed for school and going downstairs. As I walked into the kitchen I found the twins and Casey at the counter watching Rose make breakfast.

"Has she said anything?" Casey asked my mother. "It's been three days. I'm starting to worry."

"Casey, dear so am I, but she just was rejecting by her mate." Rose shook her head without turning around. "She deserves time to cope."

"I feel like this is all my fault." Ralph mumbled.

"It was." Rita snapped.

"No it wasn't!" I snapped and every head turned to me so fast that I'm surprised they didn't all get whiplash. "If I hear any more talk of that Rita you will regret it." I glared at her.

'Easy now, Eve. Your lashing out.' Avery calmly said.

I took a deep breath and placed a smile on my face. "Good morning everyone. Rosie, can I possibly ask you for some pancakes if it's not too much trouble?" I asked as I sat down beside Ralph. Rose stared at me; her mouth open in shock. I didn't blame her for she hadn't heard me talk in so long.

"Of-of course, sweetie. No trouble." Rose smiled back before getting to work.

"Your attitude sure seems to have changed." Casey said smiling at me. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine thank you." I nodded. "I just want to put it all behind me." I glanced around the table to see a mix of faces. Casey seemed thoughtful as she looked me over. Seeing me dressed and ready for school. Ralph, refused to look at me as he stared at his half eaten plate. "Time to face reality." I stated as I glanced at Rita. She glared back before getting up and walking out; slamming the door behind her.

"I see she is still her joyful self." I grumbled.

"Don't mind her. It's me she's mad at; not you." Ralph said.

Rose placed a plate of pancakes in front of me. "Thank you." I said. "I'm starving." I just realized how hungry I actually was.

"You should be! I'm surprised you didn't crack sooner." Rose said chuckling. "Cause honestly, sweetheart you turn into a monster when your hungry." She winked at me and I laughed.

"Now I'm so glad that your slowly coming back to being you, Eve, and I hate to break up family breakfast time, but if we don't get going like now we're gonna be late." Casey said as she hopped off the stool and grabbed her backpack. "I've got to meet Ryder, so I'll see you there! Love you bye! Bye Rose!"

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