Chapter 18

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'Well I'll give my pack one thing... They know how to throw a party.' I thought.

Looking around at the people starting to arrive, the booming sound boxes, the flickering dance lights.

'Decorations; check.' Looking towards the end of one room. 'Refreshments, snacks, and keg; check.' I nodded and smiled proud of myself. When I had finished some my my other chores and done whatever homework I could finish when I got home, I started preparing for the party. The party preparations went quite smoothly.

The omegas of the pack all came to help. Because we are treated so poorly around here, us omegas formed our own little family. We look out for each other and everything we do we do as a team. Everything worked out, well if you exclude the problem of Lydia. No one was happy about the arrangement. I mean the whole "omega for a day" thing was awesome on Ariel's part, but having to listen to her complain and screech the entire time cause she actually had to lift a finger in her life, was beyond annoying. Of course she had to go on and on about how when she's future Luna she's gonna get us all one day, blah blah blah. You get the picture.

Soon we finished the decorations, got the boom boxes set up, cleaned the whole house, and had a little time left over. Rose made a surprise visit and I got to catch up with her for about a half hour. She scolded me for working after she and the Alpha, low blow if you ask me, told me to rest. I scoffed at that.

At the moment more and more people are arriving. Everyone appears to be happy so I'm happy. No trouble tonight.

'I'm hoping.' I thought.

Me and Marcy, another omega, were finishing up putting the punch on the table. "I think we did pretty good for a group of nobodies." She chuckled nudging my shoulder with hers.

"Yea." I said stirring the punch with a spoon. "Ha! Those somebody's would be nothing without us nobodies."

"True that!" Marcy said smiling. I smiled back. I liked Marcy. She was always happy, even with such a crappy title, and her happiness was contagious.

Marcy is the only omega in our pack thats my age. Yet, she even doesn't get treated the same way. Marcy is dating the Third in commands son, Dexter. Dexter is Lash's best friend and we all grew up together. A year older than Lash, he has his wolf and Marcy a year older than me had her first shift last year. They soon found that they were mates and they lived "Happily ever after". Not really but ever since they were together Dexter would not tolerate her being treated horribly. She has never had to deal with the crap the rest of us do unless they wanna deal with Dex.

Now you may be wondering what the hell a mate is. Let me shed some light on the subject. Mates: really a short way to say soul mate. When we come of age and shift we get our wolves, and our wolves have mates. Every wolf has a mate but finding them is the hard part. If your lucky your mate might even be in your pack, for others they could be in another pack or half way across the world. You never know. Some wolves travel all over to find their mates and though it's very rare... some never find them. When found there is the mating process. First the wolves must accept that they are mates, then there is the marking, and then final mating. The marking is when the male bites the female in the crook of her neck right above the shoulder. It lets other unmated male wolves know that she is taken. In other words BACK THE F*** OFF! And that's putting it lightly. The final mating is just plain out Sex but it fully strengthens the mate bond. They are then expected to be together forever. Soul mates.

Wolves are very possessive and protective over their mates. When in trouble the males are literally the females knight in shining armor. At least that's what Rose tells me. If a wolves mate decides to reject their mate (which is an option) or die it can be fatal for the other. Yada yada yada mates are complicated. Thank goodness I don't have to deal with that quite yet. Looking at Marcy now I smiled happy that she and Dex found each other. She deserves to be happy. I just don't think I'm quite ready to deal with the struggles that being a full wanderer. It's frightening.

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