Chapter 32

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Opening my front door I placed my bag down. "Rose!? I'm home."

"In here." I heard her voice call out.

Walking into the living room I found her on the couch. "Oh, wow you look awful." She gave me an annoyed look. "Sorry. Are you okay?" She nodded.

"Yes, but my throat hurts. Could you get me some water, dear?" I nodded and went to the kitchen. Grabbing two bottles of water and an apple for myself I walked back to Rose. Handing her the bottle I sat on the table across from her.

"I'm sorry your feeling lousy. I wish there was something I could do." Rose waved it off.

"Just do your homework and be home before midnight, and I'm a happy mother." She smiled and I laughed.

"Your also the best mother." She coughed into the tissue in her hand. "Is there anything else I can get you?" She shook her head.

"By the way, there's something for you on the counter by the door. I guess you didn't see it." Confused I got up and went to the foyer.

I saw there, next to the little bowl with Rose's keys was a big orange envelope. On top was a little sticky note. "What's this?" I said as I picked it up and looked at it.

Dear Eve and Rose,
I'm sorry it took a little longer than I thought it would. It got here though and that's the important thing. Everything's in here, and I explained it all to both of you. Take your time and give it to me when your ready.

I quickly grabbed the package and ran back to the living room. Rose was already sitting up and smiling like she was waiting for me.

"ROSE!" I said happily.

"Yes I know."

I put it down and gave her a tight hug. "I can't believe this is happening."

"Well believe it." She tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "I couldn't be happier." She said with a bright smile. "Now, open it!" She gestured ecstatically to the package. I laughed and grabbing it I carefully pulled the small group of papers out and held them in my hands.

"Darling, your hands are practically shaking." I glanced at her slight tears in my eyes.

"I'm just so happy." She smiled back as she took the papers from me. I watched barely able to sit still as she read over all the papers and the instructions. "Can you get me a..?" I had a pen in front of her before she could even finish. "Pen." She said as she shook her head and took it. She gestured for me to sit down next to her on the couch and when I did she pulled the table in closer and she began filling out the information.

Rose in a couple more days would be my legal mother. A mom. Besides Avery I never really had one. The only evidence that I might have had one, once apon a time, was that weird dream I kept having. I frowned as I thought about the lady in my dreams. She wasn't there for long and the dream was always the same. She was there playing with us. She looked just like me. The long black hair and the dark brown eyes. She was taller though and always seemed a bit more pale then the rest of us. Then when the threat came, I still don't know what that was, she ran off after the male and shifted then disappeared.

'The dream is always the same.' I shuddered as I thought about what came next. 'Still their just dreams. I'm an orphan with no family.'

I smiled then as I looked at Rose who was scribbling on the papers with complete concentration. "Until now." I said softly.

Rose smiled proud of herself as she slid the papers so they were I front of me. "Just initial here and here." She pointed to the areas. "I already filled in your information; then just sign at the bottom." She smiled brightly. I quickly grabbed the pen and did as she said. I kept one hand tightly pressed against the papers; feeling that if I didn't they would disappear. Once I was finished I gently laid the pen down beside them and leaned back and just stared.

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