Chapter 17

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"Lash. I just can't get rid of you today!" He raised his eyebrow at me. "Like common! You're like toe fungus, you can never get rid of it!" He chuckled and walked up to me.

"Okay, no need to flip and have a tantrum." He smirked.

"Oh that's hardly a tantrum," I glared. "If you want a real tantrum I'll give you one." He raised his hands in surrender.

"I think I'll pass." And I saw a slight smile cross his face. I rolled my eyes and walked away. I heard his footsteps behind me so I sped up. He matched my pace easily.

"Forgetting something?" He asked. I stopped.

'Shit, my bag.' I turned around to go back and get it.

He stopped me with a hand on my shoulder. "No need." He stated at he slung my bag off his shoulder. "Here."

"Thanks, but I have all my books and stuff back in the fitness hall." He shook his head.

"Like I said. No need."

"But how am I supposed to get it all..." He growled slightly to make me shut up.

"I'll have Ariel bring all your stuff to you. Don't be such a worry wort." And with that he walked passed me. "Your welcome." He called over his shoulder.

I followed mumbling

'I'm not a worry wart. I'm just hurt.'

As I was walking I saw a clock.

'Oh damn, it's last period already! I was supposed to leave beginning of last period! Shit!'

I sped walked past Lash, flinching. I thought he would yell at me. Making it to my locker I yanked it open and grabbed whatever was in there that I could take home now. "Stupid Lydia, now I'm gonna have extra work to do!"

"What was that?" Lash stood there watching me with an amused expression.

"Nothing." Locking my locker I walked to the front of the school. Lash kept my pace the whole way, quietly humming to himself.

"It's still raining you know." I growled.

"Course it is."

"Where's your coat?"

"Home. In a place where the sun usually always shines... Force of habit." He nodded. "You don't have to keep following me. Go to class." He shook his head. "Okay, what's it gonna take to get rid of you!?" He looked at me.

"Pardon?" I growled at walked faster. He was right next to me.

"Soon you'll hit a jog, Eve. Where's the fire??" I stopped short making him accidentally bump into me. I spun to face him with a glare that could kill.

"You know what Lash?! I've had just about enough of your drama and sarcasm for one day. This entire day has been hell, but what's new? You following me around, cracking jokes for your own self esteem doesn't help mine. In case you were wondering." He just looked at me with no expression to read. "I'm trying my best here, and I'm following your damn orders! Just like I always do I might add! My head is pounding and I'm stressed and now I'm probably going to get in more trouble yelling at my Alpha yet again! So I'm gonna go home to get your party set up so I can go to my "home" and be by myself. So I don't have to bother with arrogant little boys such as yourself."

I was breathing heavily waiting for him to yell, punish, or strike me. Instead he did the one thing I least expected him to. He started laughing. I scowled. "Well I'm glad my horrible day amuses you." He shook his head.

"Arrogant little boys?"

I growled and turned around. "You're unbelievably hopeless." He walked passed me.

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