Chapter 27

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I groaned as the sunlight hit my face and forced me to open my eyes.

'Why morning!? Why!?' I thought as I looked at the clock on my bedside table. '1:00!?' I gasped.

"Rose?" I called. No answer. "Rosie!?" Silence.

'Hmmm.' I shrugged as I stretched and sat up. 'Got the whole weekend to myself.' I thought giddy.

Just then the phone rang and I groaned knowing I'd have to get up and get it. Stumbling out of my room and down the stairs I grabbed the phone without looking at the caller ID.


"CHICKA!!!!" I sighed knowing who I had just said I was up to.

"Hello Ariel."

"Common! It's the weekend! You said we would catch up."

I nodded even though she couldn't see. "Yes I did say that didn't I." I face palmed myself. 'Nice going, Eve.'

I heard a car door. "I'm on my way over to your place now. You ready?"

"NOW!? Ummm." I looked at my pajamas. "Depends what exactly am I supposed to be ready for?"

"The mall silly!"

I groaned. "Well in that case no." She growled.

"Well hurry and get ready, girl! Jeez your as slow as a snail and it's already 1:00!" I sighed.

"Okay hang up so this snail can speed up a bit."

She squealed. "Okay, love you! See in in a few, oh and BTW! Girl get a phone!" And with that she hung up. I sighed.

"Ahh got the whole weekend with Ariel sleeping over and mall torture." I revised as I ran upstairs to get ready.

I had just stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around myself when I heard a knock on the front door downstairs. I groaned as I yelled "COME IN ARIEL! It's open!" I heard the door open and closed. "I'm upstairs! Come on up!" I listened as the footsteps came up the stairs and towards my door. "In here, I'll be right out." I walked out only in my towel and my wet hair. "Ariel how did you know which room was..?" I stopped short and screamed when I saw Hunter leaning against my closed door staring at me with a smirk.

"Oh I'm sorry, I heard come in and come up, but I'm guessing it was for someone else. Hope it applies to me too. Nice towel by the way."

My teeth clenched I held my towel tighter. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" I yelled pissed.

"I came over to make sure you got your bag and books." I nodded.

"Well I've got them so GET OUT!"

He laughed. "Actually I'm kinda liking the view in front of me right now."


"No need to be embarrassed, princess." He said suddenly in front of me using his speed. I backed up clinging to my towel and gasped when I felt my back hit the bathroom door.
Using his body Hunter cornered me and placed his arm by my head.

"Am I making you nervous, princess?" I shook my head despite my heart that was beating faster and faster. He looked into my eyes before backing up.

"Okay then."

I growled. "Now that you've humiliated me enough, uhh could you leave?" He sighed shaking his head before looking around.

"Nice room you've got here."

I groaned. "Hunter, really this is not the time for me to give you a room tour." He waved it off walking to my bookcase and looking at the titles.

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