Chapter 23

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The Luna. The Luna of the Lash Pack. Alpha Grey's mate, and both Lash's and Ariel's mother. The only problem is... She is Alpha Grey's ex mate. Her name was Avery. She died when I was 12 years old. Ariel and Lash were 14. Everyone was troubled with the loss of the Luna. Especially Alpha Grey. Though of course he had a right to be. He lost his mate. Losing your other half, the one designed for you, your mate for life is enough to kill a wolf. Alphas feelings are only maximized. She was killed by rouges. The wolves that live alone, without a pack. They wander everywhere, which Is how we got the name wanderers for us creatures. What's worse is THATS not even the worst part.

The worst part is... That IM THE REASON the Luna died. That's right. Me! She died because of me. I've been told that all my life and I believe it too no matter what Rose or others say. Everyone mourns the loss of the Luna but no one feels more guilty than me. I guess I should start from the very beginning. She was the reason I didn't die alone.


I had been running for hours. No sign of the big bad wolf. No sign of mommy or daddy. No sign of.. Anything for that matter. I slowed down to catch my breath. Leaving my back against the tree for support, I slid down till I was sitting. It felt so good to sit, but there was no way to relax. I didn't know where my family was. I needed to find mommy. Where has she gone off too? And Daddy too? I started to whimper hoping they would hear my call. Like they always did. Mommy and daddy always came back for me. I frowned when I thought of Jane back at the house. I was far from there I think. I didn't know where I am. All I remember was blacking out and then waking up in the middle of no where.

I whimpered louder. I tried mind-linking them.

'Mommy! Please help me!'

"DADDY! MOMMY! Please HELP ME!!" Silence. Then I remembered what mommy had always said. If we get separated go the the big tree in the woods and she would meet me there. I looked around.

'I don't think I'm in the same part of the woods.' I thought scared. 'But the same rules should apply.'

I ran till I found the biggest tree I could. I sat down and waited. 'Mommy will find me. She always does.' Still I couldn't help the tears from falling, and my whimpering to continue. I didn't give up hope though. I stayed there that night. Cold, hungry, so tired but to frightened to sleep. 'What if those rouges find me again!?' I thought scared. 'Daddy's not here to protect me.' I tried to cuddle closer into myself to stay warmer. As wolves our body temperature is insanely high, but that's only intensified when we finally shift. 'Im so cold!' I thought. I could get up and find shelter for the night. 'But what if mommy comes while I'm gone!?' I kept saying back to myself. 'I can't risk her coming and I not be here.' So I stayed.

I flinched whenever I heard a harsh noise. I whimpered whenever I thought I saw a shadow. It was so different being a wolf when I didn't have my family beside me.

'I don't even have Jane.' I cried at the thought of my sister. My dead older sister. I tried waking her but then I was pulled away. I cried out when the sound of thunder "BOOMED"! I was always scared of thunder storms. 'Mommy was usually always here to hug and comfort me.' I sighed. The thunder continued through the night. The restless and un peaceful night.


I blinked the tears out of my eyes. I don't know what happened to me before I woke up in the middle of no where. That's always where my dreams ended. The killing, and the wolf stalking towards me. I shook my head to clear it. I looked down at the cupcakes I was icing. Avery loved baking too. Almost as much as Rose. Avery was the nicest and most caring Luna. Unless something was threatening her family. She was a strong and wise leader. Alongside Alpha Grey they were a force to be reckoned with. What I loved about Avery is she never gave up. She always had a solution, and she would be willing to lay her life down for the ones she loved. Which is exactly what happened. I remember the first time I saw her though....

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