Chapter 16

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I opened my eyes only to close them again. "Ugh!" I groaned. I heard a woman's voice speak to me quietly.

"It's alright. Your alright, dear." I swung my arm over my eyes.

"The lights." I croaked.

"Come again, dear?" I pointed up with my other arm.

"The lights. Too bright." I heard her get up and soon the lights dimmed slightly. Slowly sliding my arm down everything came into focus.

"Is that better?" The nurse asked me gently. I nodded silently. She sighed.

"You gave us quite the scare there, Eve." I groaned. She chuckled.

"My names Jeane. Nurse Jeane."

"I'm Eve, but you already knew that." She nodded.

"Well, Eve, Nurse Rosie will be in shortly. She just went to file something and when she gets back she will just check you over and you can go."

I smiled brightly. "Okay, thank you." She got up and walked off.

Nurse Rose was a name I was very happy to hear. This woman was like a second mother to me. Rose Lester. She came to the Lash pack when she was my age. She had run away from her pack because the Alpha was abusive and used her for his sexual urges. Our Alpha accepted her into the pack and she looked over the little children. Then I came into the picture. I used to love having her read to me before I went to bed. She baked me cookies and taught me how to crochet. We formed a very tight bond.

When Alpha Grey turned abusive towards me, she was the only one that stood up for me. But with that comes consequences. Along with me she was labeled an omega. She lost everything for a while, and fell into depression. But still we were close. She was never cross towards me, and told me to come to her if Alpha was ever abusive. When I asked her why she stood up for me even if it meant losing everything she owned, she simply answered "A mothers instinct is to protect her young." And ever since then Rose has been the only one I can call a mother.

Later Rose discovered she had a gift with medicine and nursing. So she humbly asked Alpha if she could work with children again. But not on pack land. He surprisingly agreed and got her the job here as a nurse. She had money saved and she soon bought a house for herself on pack land and works here everyday. I only saw her here at school because she was always so busy, and waiting for her now I could barely contain my excitement.

I tried pushing myself into an upright position but I fell back on the bed.

'Woah, head rush." I giggled. I heard a chuckle next to me and the voice of someone I would know anywhere.

"Don't strain yourself, dear. Careful now." I smiled and looked up at Rose who was smiling back.

"Rosie!" I yelled as I sat up. I opened my arms and she laughed while pulling me into a bone crushing hug.

"Hello muffin. How are you Darling?" I giggled at the nickname.


"Rosie?, Rosie??, ROSIE!??"

"Ouch ouch! Not so loud." I head a masculine voice say. I looked up to see Alpha Grey with a smile on his face.

"Now what are you yelling for little lady?" I giggled at the end.

"I'm looking for Rose. I have a surprise for her." I took some flowers that I had picked out front out from behind me. He nodded. Just then Lash walked in looking upset.

"Father, tell Ariel to stop following me and Dexter!" He growled. "She's annoying us. I can't have my little sister following me around like a lost puppy when I'm trying to be cool." Alpha Grey looked at his child with amusement clear in his eyes.

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