Chapter 20

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Walking onto the campus I weaved my way through the people towards the door. Surprisingly, Lash kept his promise. All of my belongings and books I needed were next to my bed this morning. Bad news, I didn't have any time to do my work.

'Guess I'll have to do it during study hall and lunch.'

My feet felt heavy as I walked towards the doors of hell.

'It's Friday. Weekend starts as soon as the days over. Even though that means absolutely nothing to you.'

Being the non-popular type I never had plans for the weekend. Sure, Ariel was sometimes around but she does have other friends. More her speed type friends. I can't count how many time Ariel tried to get me go shopping, or to a club with her.

'Not my type of scene.' Was my excuse, but it was getting harder and harder to sway her.

Reaching the door I slowed when voices and laughter caught my attention. I turned and looked towards the campus tree. Right in the middle of the campus grounds, it's where all the popular kids hung out. I couldn't help but stare at the group there now. Complete with Lash, Lydia, Dex, the football players , and Lashs teammates from soccer. Even Marcy was there! Right next to Dex of course. And can't forget the cheerleaders. Those girls are like leeches, following the "hot" boys around and just praying for a glimpse of approval. I rolled my eyes when I saw one trying to get Dexters attention, and chuckled when Marcy growled at the girl to make her back off. Then my attention turned to Lash. He was looking good today, and dressed in his black leather jacket he looked dangerous. But I couldn't get passed that Lydia was leaning against his chest with his arms around her waist.

'What does he even see in her anyways?' I wondered. 'Besides her title?' I thought. I could never forget that Lydia title wise was way over me. Perfect for the future Alpha of the pack.

Looking at the two now I scoffed. Thinking about how many girls Lash has probably been through before and even while being with Lydia made me wanna barf.

'I'm sure SHE would be disappointed too.' I frowned at the thought.

As if Lash had heard me he looked at me and scowled. "What are you looking at?"

"Nothing. I- I was just.." He waved it off.

"Stop staring you freak! Go make yourself useful and scram." Everyone laughed as I gasped at his harsh words. I glared as I watched Lash start hungrily kissing Lydia's neck.

'Guess he's not trying to do right by himself anymore.' I thought angrily.

I looked at Marcy and she looked at me with sympathy. She smiled slightly before turning her attention to Dex.

'Wow, even Marcy is above me at this point and she has the same title.' I growled as I opened the door to the school.

"Your pathetic, Eve, you really are." I punched my card in and walked alone to my locker, my head down. Every day in a wanderer school, especially for omegas is a day of survival. The less your noticed the less you get into trouble, and the less bruises need to heal. Typing in my combination I started putting in and taking out the supplies and books I needed.

Just as I was about to reach for my green binder my locker door slammed shut with a "SLAM!". I gasped and looked at my hands.

'Yep still there. Could've sworn they were gone.' I growled as I heard laughter and turned glaring as I watched Lydia and her gang walk off behind me.

"I told you to watch your self, freak!" Lydia yelled over her shoulder, and with that she walked off. I growled, biting my tongue so the comeback on the top of my tongue wouldn't slip. I sighed and opened my locker again just as Ariel skipped over.

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