Chapter 48

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"You want me to do what? NO!" Hunter yelled as he slowly brought the weights down to his chest.

"Oh common!" I pleaded watching the bar go up and down. "Think of it as bonding time between two friends."

"Bonding time? We can go to Starbucks more often."

"Hunter! I'm serious!"

"So am I." He grunted heavily. "Don't you have somewhere to be?"

I cleared my throat nervously as I glanced around at the huge boys surrounding me. I came here to find Hunter and found him in the school weight room. The smell in here made me want to throw up and I don't know how some of these guys were still alive. We are wanderers. We're naturally fit and yet they spend hours in this suffocating room just to show off. I rolled my eyes looking at the sweaty boy in front of me.

"Nope. It's study hall period and I'm not leaving until you agree to train me." I don't know why Hunter was so set on refusing to teach me how to fight. I just want to learn a few simple moves so that I'd feel more comfortable meeting with Ava later tomorrow evening. I thought who better to teach me than a ex seeker, but when I asked Hunter he flipped out on me. I've been trying to persuade him ever since. "It's not that big a deal! You trained Casey!"

He sighed sitting up from under the bar. He glared at me. "That's different! I didn't train her either; Ryder did. Plus, she was a rouge at the time with us." He shook his head. "Your protected by a pack and there is no reason that you'll need to learn how to fight. Me and Ryder and Haven are going to be with you when you see her." He raised an eyebrow. "I'm not gonna let anything happen to you."

"That's what you said the last time." I grumbled. "Look what happened!"

"Hey, that was NOT my fault."

"I'm not saying it was." I held up my hands. "I'm just saying that if I learned a bit of fighting skills I wouldn't be as helpless if something like that happens again."

He glared. "Do you plan on something like that happening again?"


"Well then I guess that point is moot then, isn't it?" He chuckled as he got up and started to gather his things.

"HUNTER!" I groaned but he ignored me. "This isn't over! I'm just gonna keep pestering you until you say yes."

"Keep doing that and I'll be forced to tape your mouth shut." He glared at me as he grabbed his stuff and started for the exit. I quickly followed behind nervous of all the other wolves in here. The other day I was pelted with tomatoes by some of the wolves in our pack that hated me. Rose was furious and went to talk to Lash about it, but I don't think she got anywhere with him.

"But what if I... Ah!" I was interrupted when I tripped over my own two feet and fell down with an "oomph" hitting my knees on the hard concrete floor making me hiss. I heard some chuckles and could feel the stares on me making me shrink into myself. Even thought I wasn't an omega doesn't stop others from treating me like one.

"Shit Eve." Hunter said coming back and crouching down next to me; concern in his eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Yea, yea I fine. It's nothing."

"She is nothing." Someone muttered and Hunter growled turning around sharply.

"Who said that?"

"I did." A guy with blonde hair smirked at Hunter. I didn't know him and I don't think he was from our pack. What did I ever do to him?

"I would highly suggest you apologize to my friend. Now." Hunter growled baring his teeth. Talking a deep breath I noticed the blonde boy wasn't a wolf; but a vamp. "Apologize; now and mean it." Hunter ordered his tone sharp as a blade.

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