Chapter 26

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After our hugging, crying, and apologizing session we caught up. "You look different." She had said. I laughed.

"Yes I've been getting that a lot today." Ariel had not been in school because her father has been driving her insane with beta training. The closer the twins get to their birthday the harder he pushed to make definitely sure they are ready. Ariel sighed.

"I never knew that the beta had so many responsibilities apart from having the Alphas back." She chuckled. "I give complete credit to the present beta for being able to do it for so many year. I'm afraid I might go crazy on Lash." I laughed.

"Heaven knows it might do him some good, but you really have nothing to worry about. Your going to be a great beta. You've proved yourself more than once." She shook her head and hugged me again hard.

"I missed you. I missed us. I need my best friend to talk to about these things or I'll go crazy earlier than I thought." I winced when she hugged me too tight. She noticed.

"What happened? Are you hurt?"

So I told her the whole story. Starting right from the beginning. The news that Rose wanted to be legal guardian. She was so happy and clapped her hands. "That is amazing! I'm so happy for you! Now I have to see the new house and obviously you've gotten a new closet!" She squealed. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Down girl. The clothes are the least of my problems." Then I told her about Hunter. I was scared to bring up the subject because he was what we fought about, but she didn't mind. She listened and laughed when I told her about the almost knife to the face incident. When I told her he was my actual neighbor and they we are really great friends now her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.

I looked at her. "Ariel? What are you thinking? What's that look for? I don't trust you." She smirked.

"He's your neighbor?" I nodded.

"So I'm guessing you still like him." I stated raising an eyebrow at him. She looked at me like I was crazy.

"Duh! I mean yea he upset me a little but boy is he beautiful. I mean.. Do YOU like him?" She asked looking at me. I felt weird being put on the spot like this.

'I don't think I like Hunter. We are just friends. But I don't know how I feel about Ariel pursuing him.' I shook my head.

"No. We are just friends. But why were you upset at him really?" She sighed.

"I told you. Thought it was timid of me, I was jealous. He seemed so much more interested in you and I can't even talk to him. Then the fact that no pack member has EVER spoken to me the way he does. It really set my teeth on edge." I laughed while I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Well I surrender. He's all yours I guess." She smiled brightly.

"Thanks chika. Now for my plan." I glared.

"Your plan?" She nodded happily. I sighed. "I know gonna regret asking, but what is this brilliant plan?"

"Well, I'm too busy with other things that I'm not gonna be at school much. So that leaves you."

I was confused. "Me?"

"Yes. He's your neighbor and you said you two are good friends now. Be my wing girl and invite your best girl friend over while he's there." I wasn't liking the sound of this.

"I'm saying this with the most utter point of affection, but I don't feel comfortable with this, Ariel." She sighed.

"Why not? It's perfect!"

"I don't feel comfortable being the one to kinda push you on him. I don't know that much about Hunt." She pointed.

"You've gotten to the nickname stage!" I sighed.

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