Chapter 28

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The weekend was pretty slow. Still fun but slow. The possible Rouge attack had everyone scared and on edge. Especially the Alpha family. Ariel seemed to not be able to concentrate on one thing for too long. I sometimes had to snap my fingers in front of her face to get her to refocus. Alpha Grey made sure everyone knew of the threat and the concerns grew. He ordered everyone to stay on pack territory and also people on the edge of the territory to move to the pack house. Which included me and Rose, Hunters family, and tons of others. Me and Rose were staying in a room together next to Ariels. Me and Ariels weekend consisted of reality tv shows, modeling her clothes for homemade photo shoots which surprisingly I enjoyed, eating tons of sweets, and trying to calm down Lash from going insane. None of it could get the fear out of my mind. It seemed like my entire life had been controlled by Rouges. Controlled and ruined. I just didn't want it to happen yet again.

Apparently a group of Rouges had tried to make their way into the territory. Alpha Grey and some warriors went to confront them and they didn't say anything about taking over, just "sniffing around" as they put it. I'm sure the pun was intended. Alpha Grey told them to leave or to stand and fight. They backed off rather quickly and that made it even more suspicious. Rouges always take what they want. Always. Now the whole Alpha family; Alpha Grey, Lash, and Ariel had to take double procedures and precautions. I felt bad seeing Ariel run herself ragged and her brother have to deal with the pack members, paperwork, and Alpha duties. He seemed about to pass out from exhaustion.

It was Sunday night. Ariel was on patrols and she had given me some letters to deliver to Lash. I smiled happy that I would be able to pay him a visit and see how he was holding up with the extra pressure on the pack. Walking down the hall towards Lash's office I dialed in Hunter's number. Ariel had bought me an iPhone when we went to the mall. Though I didn't really need one I took it anyways cause, hey free phone? It's common sense people. Hunter hadn't talked to me since the mall. He seemed sure on avoiding me no matter how many times I called, texted, or showed up at his room where he and his family were staying. He was always gone. Whenever I asked Ryder or Casey where he might be they always said "oh he's probably off being Hunter." Like whatever that's supposed to mean. When I got his voicemail again I was getting more than discouraged.

He clearly didn't want to talk to see me. He didn't want to make up so I was done trying. I shoved my phone deep into my pockets and then sighing I knocked on Lash's door. I heard a loud groan and then a "come in but quietly." I was shocked by the request. I slowly opened the door and peeked my head inside to see Lash laying on the couch, on his stomach, and his head covered by a pillow. I smiled feeling bad for him.

"Lash? Is the hangover so bad that I should duck for cover or can I stay to give you these?" Moving his head to the side to look at me I saw his eyes were bloodshot.

"If it's work? Duck for cover."

"Just some letters." I explained setting them down on the desk before turning back to him. "Omg, you look like I feel." I stated. He groaned trying to sit up.

"I look like I feel," he said. "And you talk to loud."

I scoffed. "Sorry." I whispered. "Better??" He nodded his head in his hands.

"You have so much stuff going on and your drinking the problems away?" He glared.

"Listen omega, your in no place to judge." I nodded and held my hands up.

"Your right, I apologize." He rolled his eyes as he groaned and laid back down.

"My head feels like there's a train going straight through it."

"Anything I can do to help? Your just gonna have to tell me what to do." I shrugged. "I'm not the biggest hangover type of girl." He glanced at me.

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