Chapter 14

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'The days almost over.. The days almost over' I kept chanting in my head.

"Hey, you okay?" Ariel asked me for the fifth time. I had to keep myself from growling at her.

"Yes, Ariel, again I am fine." I muttered as I got my fitness clothes out of my gym locker.

"You keep saying that but your not acting like it." She said it like she was talking to a 4 year old. I shrugged.

"Yea? How do you figure?" She giggled.

"Cause you've been tryna find the arm hole in you shirt for the passed 5 minutes." I froze realizing she was right. "You need help?" She asked taunting me. I glared at her as I finished dressing. I put the rest of my stuff in my gym locker. I shut the door a little harder than necessary. "Chicka, seriously what's bothering you?" I shook my head refusing to talk. Ariel sighed and slipped into a tank top. "Okay, fine. Don't tell me but imma bother you until you do!" She slipped me a smile and I just shrugged. "Wow, I can't even get a smile out of you."

"Look, I'm sorry. Today just hasn't been my day. I'm a little frustrated." She nodded understandingly.

"Did it have anything to do with what happened last period?" I shook my head.

'Oh, it's just that I had a run in with your brother, all these kids hate me, I was late to my classes, and last period I had to listen to all the reasons why I should be banished from the pack!' I thought sarcastically.

"There has just been a lot on my mind lately, and I haven't been getting much sleep." I gave her a fake smile. "I think it's catching up with me." Ariel laughed.

"Actually, I think it's winning!" I couldn't help but laugh. Ariel always knew how to put at least some sunshine in a rainy day.
"Well I'm always here if you wanna talk." I nodded tying my running shoes up.

'Umm, Alpha Ariel?' A random voice showed up in my mind. Ariel growls.

"You know sometimes I hate that mind-link." She chuckled. 'Yes, Trent. What is it?' I heard her voice in my head now.

'Yea, um there is a fight here between Dean and a vamp here in the west hallway. Right outside the fitness wing.'

Then it was only me in my mind.

'Not that it makes my head any quieter when I'm alone' I thought.

"Eve, turn your mind-link off." She smirked at me.

"Dammit. I thought I did." I said turning it off.

"Well I better go be an Alpha. Can't wait till I'm Beta, then I'll have even more stuff to deal with." As she passed me she patted my shoulder twice. She opened the locker room door but at the last second popped her head back in. "Oh yea and Eve. You haven't shifted yet, but when you do your heads gonna be crowded as French fries." I laughed.

"French fries, Ariel?? Really?" She shrugged.

"What I'm saying is... Savor the silence while you still have it." I laughed and waved her off. She left laughing.

I went to a mirror and looked at the girl who was staring back. The fitness clothes I wore, I only got the privilege to wear these on fitness days at school. I looked at my perfectly curled hair, surprised at the handiwork Ariel did. "Umm no. Just no." I muttered. I raked my hands through the curls to make them nice easy waves. More my style. I knew I would take hell from Ariel later for it but whatever. The one thing that caught me off guard was my eyes. They looked... Alive.

I guess what Ariel said made me... I don't know what it made me. So many emotions thinking about my first shift. Happy, excited, nervous. Even though I will still be labeled an omega, without the shift I will always be treated as a nobody. I will always be the outcast. Putting my hands on the sink for support, I felt a tear going down my cheek.

'But maybe with my shift I can finally prove myself.' I thought.

I splashed some water on my face to focus again.

'You start crying they are gonna think your even weaker than they thought.' I heard the bouncing of basketballs outside the locker room.

I sighed frustrated. "I hate fitness class." I grumbled. Because in my class I was the only omega here. I never trained with the pack cause I wasn't allowed. Therefore, you guessed it... I am the weakest one here, and everyone knows it. 'I get hit more than a punching bag.' I rolled my eyes at the thought.

Right now in class the boys are playing basketball. The girls are playing volleyball. All sports hate me so in return I hate all sports. We only have one more day of volleyball left and then both boys and girls come together for physical fitness. Crunches, pull-ups, jogging. Stuff like that. That's something I hate even more. I shrugged it off cause I knew I had no choice but to participate. Putting my hair in a ponytail I heard a voice behind me.

"I won't scold you for ruining my master piece only because you hair looks cute like that." I smiled and turned towards my best friend.

"Ariel, the ringlets were driving me crazy! Too perfect." She giggled.

"Like coach always says, "Perfection is something to shoot for!" I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, and if she says that to me one more time imma shoot her!" Laughing, we both side by side, walked out of the locker room.

Walking into the gym my eyes immediately looked towards the far side of the huge room. The only good thing about gym for me is that I share it with both Ariel AND Lash. Right now the boys were playing a huge basketball game. And even though Lash was really into soccer, he was still the best. I watched in amazement as Lash easily wove his way around the other team and slammed the ball through the net.

He stopped and looked my way. Raising his hand with a small smile he waved. I almost raised my hand to wave back when I saw Ariel make her way over towards him. She spoke quietly to him and he shook his head at whatever she said. He laughed and gently pushed her shoulder. She grabbed the ball from him and shot it right into the hoop. Sticking her tongue out at her twin she walked away with a sway in her hip.

All of Lash's friends laughed and he flipped them the bird. I watched as the game continues until fingers snapped in front of my face.

"Hello!? Earth to Eve." I blinked and smiled at her. "You were phasing out again." She stated. I forced a smile.

'More like staring at your brother.' I thought but I giggled.

"Yea, sorry. Guess I'm just nervous. You know how much I hate fitness". She laughed.

"Yea who doesn't." I pointed towards her brother. "Besides him." She waved it away. I pointed to her. "Oh, whatever, let's go." Just then coach blew the whistle.

"Alright, Ladies, let's get this game on the road." I sighed.

'Someone's gonna end up at the nurse again today.

And it most likely will be me'

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