Chapter 36 (part 1)

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My breathing quickened as I looked around nervously. Walking onto the schools campus I looked around for one person and one person only. It was the night we got Ryder home. I had been asleep in bed when I suddenly woke up gasping. Lash. I had totally forgotten that I was supposed to meet him by the lake that night. 10:00! Oh I felt so stupid and I stupidly hoped that maybe Lash had forgotten too and hadn't shown up. I had tried to go apologize the entire weekend but he was always off on Alpha duties when I tried to find him. Either that or I was sent away by Dexter.

After walking to front entrance and punching my card in I waited for Casey. She said she had a surprise for me and she knew me well enough now to know I HATE surprises. Even the word surprise made me uneasy. The sun was out today and shining bright; I wondered if Casey would mind if I skipped the surprise and go out of the heat. I inwardly groaned thinking of fitness class today. It was gonna be outside I'm sure and I do not like sweat. As I racked my brain for an excuse to get out of fitness I didn't notice a skipping Casey coming towards me. She attacked me in a hug and I laughed; trying to balance myself to keep from falling over.

"Hey Eve!" She squealed happily.

"Hey Case. Ryder." I greeted her mate who was close behind her. He nodded back but stayed quiet. I sighed. Casey had been happier than ever this weekend now that her mate returned. I think fighting and then loosing him really took a toll on her and her wolf. She barely let him out of her sight and growled when any other girl practically glanced in his direction. Seeing Ryder here now wasn't a surprise. Wherever Casey went; Ryder was only a step behind.

Now Ryder had been completely silent whenever we were in close quarters. I didn't know if he was still feeling guilty about his harsh words to me or not, but I really wanted it to stop being so awkward. Every time I tried to make conversation though he would answer in one word, a grunt, shrug, shake his head, or simply not answer at all. It was really frustrating.

'We need to find Lash.' My subconscious reminded me; making me turn back to Casey.

"So what's this big surprise you've got for me?" I raised an eyebrow. "I hate to seem in a rush but I have something I gotta do before class starts." She nodded before reaching into her coat pocket and whipping out a tiny wrapped box.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" She squealed happily as she held it out to me. "This is from Ryder and me. Hunter had something else planned to give you, I'm sure." She winked at me making me roll my eyes.

"You know my birthday is tomorrow? Right?" I asked as I took the present from her. She nodded eagerly.

"Yes. Yes, I know. I just couldn't wait to give it to you that's all." She smiled brightly. I nodded and gave her another hug.

"Thanks you guys. This is really nice. Also unexpected."

Ryder now looked at me surprised. "It's your birthday. Don't people usually expect gifts on their birthdays?" I shrugged.

"Not if your an omega in the Lash Pack you don't."

"You mean... No ones ever given you a present before?" I shrugged again.

"Besides Rose, Ariel, and some of the other omegas? No not really. No parties either." I smiled trying to reassure them. "Not that it means anything. I can do without gifts and that stuff. You know me. Not my thing."

Casey smiled and giggled as her mate stepped closer and wrapped his arms around her waist; tugging her to him. "Well now it will be. Especially with this one around" He playfully tickled Casey's stomach making her squirm and laugh.

I smiled at them. "You guys are too much. Thank you." I gushed happy that I had such great friends that cared about me.

'This surprise wasn't that bad after all.' I thought looking at the silvery package.

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