Chapter 50

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My eyes fluttered open and I smiled hearing the birds that chirped around me. All wolves felt at home outdoors. Our natural instincts kicked in and we felt at peace. I realized I was outside by the stream that Hunter had shown me. The sun was now behind a screen of clouds making it darker and slightly colder in temperature. Trying to sit up I struggled when I noticed I was being held down by the weight of Hunter's arm around my waist. I was pressed up against his body that I could feel his warmth. I could hear his soft breaths next to my ear and when I shifted his arm tightened making me roll my eyes.

'You know... He really is quite the charmer.' Avery said suddenly. 'I could see him as your type.'

'I thought you hated Hunter.' I thought back.

'Hate would be a strong word. I was wary.'

'Oh please. You couldn't stand him. What's changed?'

'I don't know. Something. I feel like there's a connection and I'm sorta... Drawn to him.' She sighed in content. 'I haven't felt like that since I was with Grayson. I miss it. Anyways, he cares for you and that's all that matters to me.'

'Yes, he cares. Maybe a little too much.'

'Too much?' She growled. 'There is no such thing, Eve. Do you like him? It's okay if you do.'

I struggled but managed to turn over without waking Hunter. I looked at him. I let my eyes trail over him slowly as to not miss a detail. His dark hair was ruffled from sleep no doubt, but it looked so soft. It had gotten longer since the first time I met him. It now sort of hung over his eyes and was softly swept to the side in soft waves. His eyes fluttered slightly and I smiled thinking about the shining green orbs underneath his long lashed lids. They were captivating. His jawline was beautifully sculpted. Lifting my fingers I lightly trailed them over is olive skin to his arm that was around me. I could feel his strong muscles as he stirred a bit in his sleep.

Once I was certain he wasn't waking up I continued to trail the veins in his strong arm down to his hand. I turned it over before slowly lacing my fingers with his. I smiled liking the way I felt when I held his hand. 'Yea, I like him.' I thought more to myself.

'Then you should be happy.'

'How can I when my heart screams for Lash?'

Just thinking about my betraying mate I scowled. I wondered what his huge announcement would be and I sighed. Looking down at our hands still holding on I shuffled away from him. I guess we should be heading back now. I softly shook Hunter until his eyes finally fluttered open. "Hey, I think it's time we start heading home." I smirked seeing him stretch; still tired.

"5 more minutes." He groaned like a child making me chuckle.

"How long have we been here?"

"A couple hours maybe." He answered turning his head to look at me. "You were exhausted and fell asleep." Something in his eyes seemed to want to tell me something. We just sat there for a minute staring at one another not knowing what to say. I cleared my throat awkwardly.

"Umm, thank you; for bringing me here and showing me this."

"No problem, princess." He smiled. "You seem happier than before."

'She would be even happier if she accepted that she liked you.' Avery snapped but I ignored her.

"I guess a little sleep was all I needed to just forget my troubles."

"You mean your ex mate?"

"Is there a difference?" I rolled my eyes. I stood and brushed myself off. My hair was out of the ponytail it was in and I ran my hand through it. Hunter stood up too slowly stretching his muscles. I don't know why but I stepped forward and hugged him; never wanting to let go. "If Lash is my problem... Your my remedy." I mumbled into his chest. I smiled when I felt his arms tighten around me. He didn't want to let go either. "Your my best friend."

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