Chapter 34

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It's been two days since that night. I smiled as I sat in front of my mirror brushing my hair. At first I tried to avoid Hunter. I mean I must have looked so pathetic that night, crying and wanting to sleep in his bed. I probably looked even more pathetic than usual. Still, I didn't have much success cause for the last two nights I snuck into his room and slept in his bed. Hunter didn't mind. Every morning I would wake up to find him gone for the morning. When I asked him where he went he said he went to check if Ryder was home.

Hunter and Casey had been staying here and I loved that I got to see them everyday. We had become our own little family and Rose was thrilled I had the company for the days she was gone. "Weekend. Then only one more day to get through." I slightly smiled at my reflection in the mirror. "My birthdays on Tuesday."

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Casey yelled startling me; making me scream and fall off my chair. I stared up at her and she was holding her stomach laughing out loud. I groaned as I used my chair to help me up off the floor. She was still laughing.

"I-I'm sorry but your f-face was too funny!"

"Hahaha." I grumbled sticking my tongue out at her. "Glad I amuse you." She chuckled and rolled her eyes.

"I'm sorry. I heard you mention your birthday and I don't mean to scare you." She gave the the cutest pouty face. I laughed.

"Rose does the same face when she apologizes. You act more like her future daughter than me." She smiled but it was sad.

"I miss my mother. She died in the f-fire." I looked at her with sympathy before pulling her into a tight hug.

"I'm sorry, but hey!," I held her at arms length. "You've got us! Me!" She laughed and nodded.

Casey though my age I found out was 5 months younger than me. Her childlike demeanor made sense. I smiled at her thinking how much I thought of her like a little sister now. She giggled and blushed under my stare. "What?"

"Nothing." I said grabbing my hairbrush again.

"So you've been gone during the nights." I froze and looked at her shocked. I didn't think she noticed. She smiled sheepishly.

"I woke up last night and you were gone."

'Do I try to make up and excuse? What will she think of me if I tell her the truth?'

She raised an eyebrow and gave me accusatory look. Only her smirk let me know she wasn't angry. "You've been sleeping with Hunter haven't you." I blushed from head to toe at her choice of words.


She gave me a look that said "you liar!". I sighed. "Seriously!" I ran my hand through my hair. "I've been sleeping with him but not like THAT!" I begged her with my eyes to believe me. "The first night it was cause I had a nightmare and just needed to be with someone." She scoffed.

"I was right next to you. Admit it, you wanted to be with Hunter specifically."

I turned to the mirror ignoring her smirk. "I knew it! I knew it!" She jumped up and down clapping her hands.

"Casey, we've been over this. There's nothing between Hunt and me. There never will be." That made her glare at me. "He's... He's with Ariel now." She growled before grabbing a towel.

"Where are you going?" I asked shocked by her angry attitude.

"The shower." She stated before closing the door on me.

I sighed knowing why she was upset. It all had to do with one name. Ariel. I shook my head at my now I guess ex-best friend. I should be the one who was pissed off but Casey had good reason too. I finished my hair and then put it into a ponytail, I changed into a tank and sweat pants. Walking over to the bathroom I spoke through the door. "Casey, I'm going for desperately needed run."

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