Chapter 24

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"WHAT THE F*** DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!?" I yelled as I stared at the intruder. Hunter growled and I gasped at his position. He was up against the wall holding the knife I had thrown about a inch from his face.

"What am I doing?! Do you mean before or after you tried to cut my head off my shoulders!" He yelled throwing the knife on the ground. I sighed and walked slowly forward.

"Are you okay?" He nodded his eyes bright.

"Yea. Not a scratch on me." I sighed relived.

"I'm sorry. I thought you were a burglar or a rouge." He chuckled.

"I see, but a knife to the face? Really?"

I shrugged. "Only weapon I've got." I looked at the stopped weapon. "How did you do that?" I looked at him.

"What? Catch it?" I nodded. He chuckled.

"Let's just say I have good instincts." I nodded and went to pick up the knife.

"Okay, it's my turn." I raised an eyebrow.


"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I live here, douchebag." He rolled his eyes at the insult.

"Really? Since when? I heard you lived in the barn towards the pack house." I nodded.

"Things change." He looked at me, waiting for an explanation. "What are you doing here, Hunter?" He grabbed something out of his pocket.

"This letter ended up at our house and I was returning it. Me, my cousin and his mate live to the right of you."

My mouth fell open in shock. "YOUR OUR NEW NEIGHBORS!?" He nodded.

"Yep, that we are. So you had better be nice to me, we are going to be living close for a long long time." He smirked at my 'this can't be happening' expression. "Awe, contain your excitement, princess." I groaned.

"This cannot be happening." He growled lowly.

"Oh don't worry princess, I'm not the study buddy type of neighbor. We can stay out of each other's way if that's what you want. That's quite fine by me." He placed the letter down on the counter. "That's for someone named Rose."

I nodded. "That's my mother."

He gave me an odd look. "Really? Cause I heard that you were an orphan." I couldn't help my growl that slipped through my clenched teeth.

"Apparently, you have been hearing a lot of things lately." He chuckled and leaned against the counter.

"That's the thing about high school. There are no such thing as secrets." I opened my mouth to say something but closed it.

'He has a point.' I thought to myself.

"Gossip spreads like wildfire around here. Is the Lash Pack known for that?" I didn't like the way he talked about my pack. It was his pack and home now too and he should show more respect.

"The Lash Pack is the most well known Packs around these parts. The strongest too."

He scoffed. "A pack without a Luna." I gasped. "Seems unlikely that it's even a pack at all." I looked away, not meeting his gaze ashamed.

'If only he knew.' I looked up to see him staring at me.

"You know I heard..."

I snarled and walked up to him, shoving his chest. "I don't care!"

"Woah, what the hell!?"

"I don't care what you've heard!" I yelled pushing him towards my front door. "I don't care what others have told you." Another push. "I don't care what you or your little cousins think of me!" We were at the doorway now and I opened it before throwing him out.

Didn't see HER comingWhere stories live. Discover now