Chapter 5

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Soon I saw he was done with playing around. He saw that he was not intimidating Jayne. She stayed fast in front of me. Knowing she couldn't circle like dad would. That would risk my safety. She would never. Growling with her hackles raised, her hair standing on end her whole posture screamed "go away!" The big male now took slow steps towards us. With each step Jayne snarled louder and also started moving towards him. She didn't want him getting to close to me.

When he was about 5 steps away (in my opinion, one step too close) he stopped and got into a attack stance. Clearly Jayne thought he was too close too, because in the next second she launched herself at him. I closed my eyes for most of it. But the sounds and the growls and the sharp smell of blood were all around me. Like it was suffocating me. Finally I couldn't stand it anymore... I opened my eyes. Jayne was on the floor growling loudly. She put up a fight and tried to throw him off. He immediately took the upper hand again and had Jayne pinned to the ground, with his teeth at her throat.

All I could do was watch with mortified eyes. Jayne continued to struggle though, refusing to give up. I wanted to help her but I was frozen in place.

I felt like it all happened so fast. In one second I saw Jayne's eyes find me in the darkness. Her eyes were sad and blue. I swore I saw one phrase in her eyes- "I love you." Before she was just... GONE. Her body. My older sister; her body lifeless on the ground. Everything came to me in great detail usually but now I felt nothing but fear, confusion, and deep sorrow. Jayne's attacker, the intruder in my house stood over her. Like he was enjoying watching the life quickly fade from her eyes

He sniffed around for a little while like he was searching for something. Took me a second to realize that "something" was me. I tried backing up farther into the shadows. Without Jayne; and me not able to shift; I wouldn't be able to defend myself. My BIG mistake. I knocked something over. The murderer looked up; right into my eyes and slowly stalked towards me.

Didn't see HER comingWhere stories live. Discover now