Chapter 10

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'Ive been sitting in this chair for FOREVER!' I thought to myself. I've been letting Ariel work her magic on me but I hate sitting still. "My butt hurts!" I whined yet again for the 30th time I think.

"Yes, Yes, I know. You've said that 43 times and I don't think it's gonna change anytime soon." Ariel said and I could practically feel her smirk.

"Well are you even close to done!?" She growled lowly at me.

"If you stopped moving and making me keep having to start over... You would have been done by now." She scolded. 'Ugh, she sounds like my mother.' I frowned at the memory. "Now sit still and be a good little girl." She joked. "Beauty takes time."

I crossed my arms and pouted like the little girl she claimed me to be. Ariel chuckled at my behavior and continued on my hair. Like I mentioned before I'm not that concerned about appearance. The difference between me and my best friend.

Ariel- standing at 5'6", with the rare combo of beautiful wavy chestnut brown hair that has a huge red tint. Her hair fell just a little past her shoulders. She said it's easier to take care of. Her beautiful crystal blue eyes. Like you know that saying "The eyes are the doorway to the soul" or something like that... With her it actually means something! An hourglass figure and can fit into anything you give her. She is the one everyone wants. Perfection.

And then there's me: I guess I'm average height. Standing at 5'2", but my hair is just black. We'll Ariel says it's raven black which gives it more shine and beauty than just "black" but I could care less. I thought it was plain so last year I had Ariel help me dye the ends a deep blue. I wanted to look different and honestly a little dangerous. Maybe people would think twice about messing with me when I had the hard edge look.

'Lot of good that did us' I thought sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes. My hair though fell all the way to the small of my back. My eyes are nothing special. Just a plain muddy brown color that almost look black with my hair. Ariel used to tease me that I looked like a demon when I got angry. My only nice feature would be my figure. It's not hourglass but it has some curves in the right places and I can fit into most of my clothes.

'Not that anyone notices' I thought.

But that's how I like it. Being in the background meant less people notice me and the less people notice me the less trouble I was in, and I didn't have to deal with Alpha Grey.

"I'm almost done." Ariel stated. Too lost in my thoughts I didn't respond. I kept thinking how much I looked like my mother in my memories. Too much alike. "Hey," a hand on my shoulder made me remember where I was. "Eve, you okay??" Ariel asked. I nodded.

"Yea, I'm fine" I said smiling into the mirror so she could see. She glared back at me and put down the curling tool.

"I'm done." She stated before she spun my chair around so we were face to face. She folded her arms across her chest as she looked down at me. Once again today my eyes found the floor. "Look at me!" Ariel demanded. Putting a little bit of her Alpha power in her voice. Reluctantly I obliged and stared at her. "Okay, I know you like a book and I know when your lying to me, Eve." She said. I shrugged. "It's already been a stressful morning and school hasn't even started yet. Plus, you know how much I hate liars in this pack." I nodded. "So why are you lying to me?? You can tell me anything, Eve, you know that."

I kept my face blank and I turned my chair back around. Staring at my lap I nervously played with my fingers. "I had that dream again." I whispered almost to myself.

"Oh?" That sounded more like a question.

"What are you thinking?" I asked scared of her judging me.

"Nothing. I mean are you okay? Any new details?" She asked.

'Well at least she didn't say we were a freak!' I thought to myself. "Nothing new. It's all the same!" I said frustrated running my hand through my now perfectly curled hair.

"Hey, hey!" Ariel playfully scolded. "No ruining my master peace!" I shook my head at her reaction but ignored it all the same.

"The running, the people,... The death." I sighed. Ariel spun me around and smiled at me. Her eyes looked so caring and hopeful that I just had to smile back.

"I know I probably won't be able to fully understand what you feel when you have this dream but I do have a clue." She instantly looked sad. I took her hand and gave it a squeeze. "We'll get through this together." I stated. "Just like always." She smiled gratefully at me. "So this dream explain it to me again?" She asked.

I shook my head. "I don't want you to think I'm a freak just like everyone else in the pack." She growled at my mentioning.

"I'll never think that of you." Her voice sounded so sincere that I knew I could trust her with all my secrets. And when and or if it ever came down to it.. My life.

"Well.." I started but was cut off by a harsh door knock. As we walked out of the bathroom Ariel allowed the knocker in. And who walks in?? One word came out of my mouth..


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