Chapter 35

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"I'm back!" I heard Hunter yell. I turned the volume down on the T-V.

"In the living room!" I yelled back. I heard something being put on the counter behind me in the kitchen and then heard Hunter's footsteps enter.

"Hey princess. Where's Casey?"

"Still upstairs. Finishing getting ready. Yet again, don't call me princess." I glanced at him annoyed.

"Be nice to me, princess. I just got you something."

"What?" I asked ignoring the princess part. "

Starbucks is on the counter waiting for you." My eyes wide I practically ran to the kitchen. I grabbed the one with my name on it, sighing when I felt the heat through the thin cup. "Hello delicious." I said taking a sip. "Caramel macchiato." I said raising an eyebrow at him. He simply shrugged taking his own cup and taking a sip as he sat down on one of the stools.

"So besides Starbucks where did you go?"

"I told you. I go to the house to see if Ryder's there." I gave him a curious look and he sighed and shook his head.

"Not even a sign that he's been there?!"

"Nope. I don't think he has been there. Where he could be I don't know." I couldn't believe how calm he was being about his cousins disappearance.

"Your not even worried? Not even a little bit?"

"Ryder's a grown wanderer. He can take care of himself." I sighed talking a sip of my macchiato.

"Well, what about Casey?"

"What about Casey?" Hunter mumbled looking totally uninterested. Ever since that night at the party he had been distant from me, but that still didn't stop him from letting me sleep in his bed.

"That's right you haven't been around lately. Avoiding me."

He glared at me. "I'm not avoiding you."

"Whatever you say, comrade. Casey has been getting worse all the time. She mopes around now and she barely sleeps."

"How would you know?" He asked smirking at me. "You've been in my room."

"She tells me during the day, smart ass." I rolled my eyes.

"Her wolf is missing her mate. It's all natural. She's gonna get worse. Maybe she needs a run."

"Well it's up to us to find her mate to bring him back!" He looked at me like I was missing something.

"That's what I'm saying. We aren't the one to find him. She is. It's her wolf involved, if anyone can find him," He pointed upstairs. "She can."

I smiled brightly. "Okay. So all we gotta do in convince her to go along with us to.."

"Woah woah woah!" Hunter interrupted. "What's this WE business?" I scoffed.

"This was your idea!"

"No I was just merely explaining. All I said was take her for a run. I have things I plan on doing today."

I growled. "What's more important than your family. Don't you want to know if Ryder's safe?"

"Of course I do!"

"Well then.." I gestured to the door. He sighed looking defeated. "

You know your very annoying for such a small person." I smiled triumphantly. "If I say fine will you stop nagging?" I nodded happily.

"Fine." He groaned. He reached into his pocket and brought out his phone.

"Who are you texting?" I asked finishing my coffee.

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