Chapter 38 (part 1)

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I kept my eyes on the floor as I walked. I felt like the night was closing in on me. I could hear my heart beating in my ears and I could swear it skipped a few beats. Me, Rose, Casey, and Hunter made our way to the east meadow. Me dragging behind slower than the others. I could already feel the strain of what was happening. My stomach felt like it was literally tying in knots.

Everything inside of me was screaming run and I didn't know what to do about it. Lash's words came back to me. He said when I shifted all my wolf was gonna wanna do was take off. Everyone was saying I was strong. That I would get through this, but I wasn't so sure. I doubted I'd be able to talk to him alone before the shift. We were meeting the Alphas's and Beta's at the meadow.

I was frozen when Rose told me it was time to go. I felt cold all over. I didn't know what to think and it was Rose's pestering that finally got me to move. After changing into more comfortable clothes at home I took about 5 minutes of my time crying. My emotions were all over the place. I had no control. I was more than scared. Terrified is the word. Absolutely terrified.

I watched the three ahead of me warily. Rose looked almost as nervous as me. Almost. Casey looked excited, but that's just Casey. It's one of the many things I loved about her; she always was positive. Now Hunter was a different story. I saw him keep giving me concerned backwards glances. I could tell he was debating whether to come back and try to comfort me or just let me alone. I tried to give him a small smile when I caught his eye and I saw him sigh.

He slowed so he was next to me. There was a slight chill tonight and he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me close. "Are you okay? Cold?" He asks softly as he kissed my forehead. The tingles ran through me making me shiver which made him pull me in tighter taking that as a yes. I leaned into him enjoying his touch. It made me feel calm and it's exactly what I needed. "I know your scared." He murmured to me. "I wish there was something I could do. I don't like seeing you like this." I grabbed his hand a squeezed it.

"I'm just glad your here, Hunt."

"Where else would I be?" He said softly. "I'll always be there."

Very soon we came into the east meadows clearing and standing close together in the middle were the superiors. The Alphas: Alpha Grey, Ariel, and Lash. The Betas: Beta Scott and his mate; Beta Danielle. I was more than surprised to see Lydia there as well. I knew she wasn't going to be howling tonight but maybe she was just gonna watch. If she did manage to get Lash to mark and mate her then she would be Luna. She would have to know what to do and she had been taught since day one. Alpha Grey's third in command was here too but I didn't know him close enough to know his actual name. My shift depended on them all. Everyone stopped talking as we all approached and I stayed close to Hunter's side.

"Thank you all for coming." I said softly not addressing anyone in particular. Well maybe Alpha Grey as he looked me up and down with disgust. I was surprised this was even happening. If Alpha Grey didn't want to howl to awaken me.. I wouldn't awaken. This would all be over.

I got a couple nods and a smile from Ariel but no one really was paying attention to me. Everyone was busy being shown their spots and preparing for the actual event. It was almost time. I felt slight pain in my chest and it made me cough. "Hey hey." Hunter said as he patted my back lightly.

"Sorry. I'm alright. Just a little chest pain." I said back trying to steady my breathing.

"Perfectly normal." He said.

He looked up at the moon above and opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by Alpha Grey's gruff voice. "It's time. Whenever your finally ready." He snapped at me making me flinched. Hunter lowly growled and didn't like his tone.

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