Chapter 36 (part 2)

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I grabbed my fitness bag from my locker and then started walking; grumbling to myself. I was just having a very annoying day.

"Eve, hey Eve; wait up!"

I stopped to let Hunter catch up. "What?" I snapped.

"Yikes, clearly your having a bad day. Don't snap at me though, princess." I sighed.

"I'm sorry Hunter. I'm just really frustrated. Like you said today is just not my day."

"Worried about your birthday tomorrow? Your shift?" I growled.

"I wasn't but now thank your for bringing that up."

"Whoops." He chuckled trying to lighten the mood. "Hey, didn't I tell you not to worry? That it will all be worth it in the end?"

"Yes. You did. Didn't mean I was gonna listen to you." I rolled my eyes as I was about go into my fears when Lash stepping into my path making me run into him. I ran into his chest and stumbled back a bit but Lash's hands immediately shot out to steady me.

"We have got to stop doing that." He said with a smile when he let me go. I rolled my eyes.

"If you stop getting in my way this wouldn't happen."

"You got in my way this morning. Just thought I should return the favor." I laughed.

"Robins." Lash stiffly greeted Hunter who was by my side. I blinked because I forgot he was even there.

"Alpha Lash. What a pleasure." He returned just as stiffly. I knew from the tone of his voice that it was anything but a pleasure.

"Indeed. You guys ready for fitness?"

I shrugged while Hunter looked between us. "Actually me and Eve were just headed there." I shrugged again.

"Against my will I might add."

Hunter didn't reply he was too busy glaring at Lash who was looking at me. "Something wrong? You look.. Worried." Lash asked.

"It's her shift." Hunter stated before I could.

"That question was directed towards,Eve." Lash snapped. "Ah, yes." He continued. "The special day. Tomorrow." I shrugged. "Stop with the shrugging." Lash ordered. "Your arms are gonna fall off." I laughed while Hunter looked on impassively. "Eve, can I talk to you real quick?" Lash asked smiling at me.

"Umm, sure? Anything to get out of fitness." I glanced at Hunter.

He glanced at me and then strode off without another word.

'I hope he's not angry.'

As if reading my mind Lash said "He'll be fine. Come with me." He held out his hand but I hesitated to take it. It was against rules to touch my Alpha. He sighed. "Don't you trust me." I wanted to say I did but I didn't trust myself. I shrugged again and then stepped aside letting him lead the way. He rolled his eyes and I followed him to where he stopped at the front entrance.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he took out his punch card.

"What we're doing. We are going out."

"Your gonna skip!?"

"WE are gonna skip."

I shook my head and took a step back. "Lash, I can't. I'm gonna get in trouble. Rose is gonna kill me!"

"Live a little. We aren't gonna be gone all day. Maybe just a period or two." He winked at me.

Holding out his hand I knew he wanted my card. I sighed and slowly pulled out my card and gave it to him. He quickly punched us out and then opened the door and held it. "Ladies first." I smiled as I stepped into the sun.

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