Chapter 7

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As I watch Ariel walk outside I am struck by the thought that I have NOTHING to wear. Now I swear this is possibly the first time any girl has said that and it's actually been true. Not that I care. I slowly walk over to the banister in my "room" and yank off a still slightly damp gray sweater shirt.

'ahhh, it looks clean enough.' I thought to myself.

As I finished dressing I made my way over to my full body mirror that Ariel got me. I grabbed a rubber band and put my hair in a very messy bun. Unlike my best friend I am not a huge fanatic about my appearance. No one else cares either. I started to look around my living quarters. I'm now a member of the Lash Pack. Have been for about 5-6 years, and how do I put this lightly... Ummmm... Everybody HATES me!!!

I've been here since they found me at a young age. I was maybe like 10. And I was labeled an omega. Which is a nobody. The bottom of the pack. I later was forced to be a maid of the pack and sorta banished from the pack house. Well at least to sleep. I live and sleep in the barn. It's comfortable enough for me... I'm not picky but it still would be nice to be accepted. I don't have a lot of money. Any money really. So I have to ask the Alpha for anything I need. Now it doesn't sound so bad. Considering that Alpha is supposed to protect, provide, and love everyone in his pack.

'SUPPOSED being the key word there' I said to myself rolling my eyes.

Alpha Grey of the Lash Pack is... How do I put this.. Mr. Grumpy Ass. He is sorta the reason for the way people in the pack treat me around here. He hates me more than anything. So he has the right to deny me anything I may ask for. He says NO and that's that. I do my laundry in a bucket with water I get from the well out back. And I use the trail behind to barn to get to the lake in the woods. It's a walk, but that's where I shower. And I only get a certain amount of food. Alpha's orders. He was probably hoping that I'll suffer from malnutrition and die :X

My only sunshine these days is Ariel. She has taken care of me ever since we have met. Everything I have comes from her. Almost everything I wear is hand-me-downs from her closet. The mirror, bought with her money. The blankets, all hers. Everything is from her. My best friend. Ariel being 2 years older than me treats me like the little sister she never had. Well at least that's how she puts it. Without her I wouldn't be able to survive here.

"Eve! Let's go! Don't make me come in there to get you!" I heard Ariel shout. I took one last look in the mirror.

"Well, time to start my day with a smile!" I said sarcastically to myself. "No matter how fake that smile may be." I mumbled as I walked out of my "home".

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